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I am trying to setup a data grid on my website, which is quite easy really, but the bit I am trying to get right is the on each row of the grid I want a product image thumbnail, where when I click on it it expands to the show a full size picture of it, just like the gallery functionality.
I have tried using the gallery but to no avail. the big description field thats there when you edit or add a new entry doesnt seem to show the text anywhere?
Basically its just a gallery where I can also display data along side each thumbnail image.
I have been trying to do this for a while now, and I am not sure whether there is anything in Mojoportal that can be setup to support this.
Am I missing something ?
Thanks for your help.
We don't have an image gallery that displays as a grid.
The description in the Image Gallery is only currently shown when compact mode is enabled from settings.