Is the blog movable?

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4/15/2011 8:23:41 AM
Total Posts 18

Is the blog movable?

One of the people involved in making our site wants to put a blog module on the home page, but I'm worried that he may want it moved to somewhere else later. Is it impossible, or a big mess, to move a blog and all of its entries and comments to a different page on the site? If it is doable, what is the easiest way? Thanks.

4/15/2011 2:38:41 PM
Total Posts 2256

Re: Is the blog movable?


The blog is one of the modules you shouldn't move from page to page. I think you should be able to put on the home page and then if you ever want to move it, follow these instructions:

  1. Rename the page with the Blog.
  2. Go to Site Administration > Advanced Tools > 301 Redirect Manager
  3. Find the entry where /home.aspx is redirected to the new name of the page containing the Blog and delete it.
  4. Create a new page named Home and set it's parent to Root.
  5. Go to Site Administration > Add/Edit Pages
  6. Move the new Home page to the top of the list using the arrows to the right of the page list box.

Joe D.

4/16/2011 10:22:58 AM
Total Posts 18

Re: Is the blog movable?


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