Approved User - Email failure

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4/5/2011 8:34:32 PM
Total Posts 5

Approved User - Email failure

I have a site that will require approval for new users.  An email is being sent to the administrator when a new users registers.  However, the approval email is not being sent back to the new user when the are approved.

Any ideas?  I am using webhost4life for my host provider.


4/7/2011 12:31:58 PM
Total Posts 5

Re: Approved User - Email failure

To follow up, here are the settings they have given me that still do not work.  I use this information in both the sections of the web.config.

Port=25 or 587

SSL - turned off

Do I need to also put this information in the web.fulltrust.config?


Just trying to figure this out.

4/7/2011 12:39:38 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Approved User - Email failure

typically the main smtp settings from the <appSettings section of Web.config should go in the user.config file so you don't have to worry about maintaining them during upgrades.

The same settings are used for notifying the admin so it should also work for notifying the user. If there is any error happening when sending it should be in the log under /Administration > System log, if there is no error then most likely the message is getting sent. Whether it is received is a different issue that may depend on spam filters and other factors at the receiving end or relay rules at your smtp server.

Hope it helps,


4/7/2011 12:45:40 PM
Total Posts 5

Re: Approved User - Email failure

Thanks.  It is really crazy.  I receive the email when a new user registers, but no one has gotten an email when they have been approved.  I have also verified that the 'Recover Password' email is being send and received by users.  So, it almost seems like the "Approval" email is the only thing having the issue.


I do not see any errors in the log.


Any other ideas?

4/7/2011 1:01:06 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Approved User - Email failure

So you have it checked in Site Settings > Security

Require Approval Before New Users Can Sign In?

And you approve the user from the ManageUsers.aspx page?

and nowhere in web.config nor user.config do you have this setting which would disable it?

<add key="NotifyUsersOnAccountApproval" value="false" />

If those things are all true then I am just as puzzled as you unless your smtp server is only relaying to specific domains or is otherwise configured to not send certain emails.




5/6/2011 7:53:15 AM
Total Posts 5

Re: Approved User - Email failure

The content that belongs here is too complex to display securely.
11/7/2011 3:49:48 PM
Total Posts 2

Re: Approved User - Email failure

I know this is an old post, but I am having the same issue. I did a little debugging and found that the file Data\messageTemplates\en-US-AccountApprovedMessage.config is missing on my system so the email has no body. This could cause a problem when sending the email. I need to do some looking to see if I have a copy of this file on one of my other systems so I can add it.

System Information

mojoPortal Version MSSQL
Operating System Microsoft Windows NT 5.2.3790 Service Pack 2

11/8/2011 6:49:40 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Approved User - Email failure


Thanks for letting me know. You are right the file was missing even from source code.

You can create a file with the contents below, I will do the same and add it to the source code repository.





Your account at {0} has been approved.
You can now sign in at {1}
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