File manager and link selection error

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3/22/2011 11:33:03 PM
Total Posts 224

File manager and link selection error

After moving a Mojo installation from a Win2003 / SQL2005 server to a new Win2008 / SQL 2008 Express server I have some problems related to the file manager. And just to be certain it didn't have anything to do with the migration I installed a second and clean version of Mojo with a default skin to prove the problem still existed (and it did). I'm running the latest version (had same problem in

It's a brand spanking new Windows 2008 R2, SP1 server (IIS7.5) and as mentioned SQL Express 2008 (on separate box). I have went over the various app pool and permission issues a million times and tried absolutely everything under the sun, well over 10 hours now of troubleshooting.

Here are the problems:

1) I'm unable to upload anything via the regular file manager. When I select a file and click upload it just says "file uploading" at the bottom and never uploads. No errors or anything. I can create directories just fine however. And I can use the alternate file manager without problem, the alternate manager uploads and deletes files just fine. This leads me to believe it's not a permissions issue. I've really been through the permissions of IIS7.5 and don't think this is the problem.

2) I'm unable to insert a photo or link. When I try to create a link to an internal page or embed an image the file manager will pop-up but it will list the directory structure infinitely. For example you can keep clicking on "pages" 100 times and it will duplicate the directory structure 100 times and never show any actual files, only the folders. Below is a screen shot showing the problem. These two issues seem related since they are both in that pop-up file manager interface. I've tried Chrome, FF and IE9, all have the exact same problem. I'd be happy to give Joe or anyone that could help access to my test site to take a look.

This problem must have something to do with Win2008/R2/SP1/IIS7.5..... the exact same install was working fine on my old server.


Here's a screen shot of what I see:


I'm hoping Joe can help me for 4 beers!!!! The fix is worth 100 beers to me, but I'm not that rich.

3/22/2011 11:36:40 PM
Total Posts 224

Re: File manager and link selection error

I should mention I'm running .NET 4.0 app pool and the .NET 4 version of Mojo. The rest of the site and other sites on the server work fine, just not the file manger for uploading, linking, selecting photos/documents, etc.

3/23/2011 7:40:09 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: File manager and link selection error

Hi Eric,

The only time I've ever seen the recursive folder problem was when there exist folders with spaces in the name. If you have any folders beneath /Data/Sites/ that have spaces in the name I would rename them without spaces.

Also make sure you are using an "Integrated" app pool and not a "Classic" app pool, and make sure you have not  commented out the <system.webServer section in Web.config.

Are you seeing any related errors in the log when uploading a file fails?

Are you sure that both /Data and /App_Data are writable?

Is it full trust or medium trust?

I would also look at whether you have any custom modules running in IIS like url re-writing or other modules available from the web platform installer.

Hope it helps,


3/23/2011 9:45:03 AM
Total Posts 224

Re: File manager and link selection error

Joe, I literally spent 10+ hours on this, up till 3am one night, trying every fricking thing I could think of and was about to completely rebuild the server.

But once again you saved the day. I had a rewrite rule on the root IIS server to force lowercase file names. The rewrite module was NOT on the Mojo IIS web site but apparently that rewite rule on the root server propagated down and this WAS the problem. Now magically the folders don't repeat, links and images insert, etc. Life is good again.

Now I just have to go through and try and fix all the stuff I must have messed up during this testing, I think the whole server probably has full control for guests, etc. sheesh, lol.

I hope this helps someone else in the future. Some BEERS on the way Joe. Thank you!

3/23/2011 11:23:59 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: File manager and link selection error

Hi Eric,

Glad to hear its all sorted out!

Many thanks as always for the beers!



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