cookie question

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3/21/2011 11:16:46 PM
Total Posts 15

cookie question

I am a little new to the web part of developing, mainly everything I have messed with has been desktop apps.

I have started a small web app that will be hosted on the same server as mojoportal and I want it to only be accessible if the user is a logged in member of the portal.

How do you go about doing a query to see if the user is logged in through mojoportal? I have seen some examples on the web and have found where firefox stores the cookies and can see sessions ids but what are we comparing them to? i would assume they are not unique session ids.

3/22/2011 12:23:43 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: cookie question

If it runs in the same context as the mojoportal site, you can use


to check if the user is signed in or not.

Hope it helps,


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