Finding the creator of an user

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3/18/2011 12:05:42 AM
Total Posts 76

Finding the creator of an user

Hello All,

Does anyone know how I can find out which user created a user through code?

For example:

  1. Admin1 creates subadmin1.
  2. Subadmin1 creates poweruser1
  3. poweruser1 creates user1.


Now,I would like to send a query into mojoportal for user1 asking the following things..

  1. Who created user1? mojoportal would reply poweruser1
  2. List all the users in heirarchical order (if possible)

I need to use user->subuser in my application. I would appreciate any help.

Thank you so much


3/18/2011 5:05:28 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Finding the creator of an user

We don't currently have a way to do that. Users are typically created via the site registration process, so users created manually are treated no differently. Users only have permissions based on their roles there is no such thing as a admin or power user other than defined by their roles and the permissions of those roles. Only Admins and role manager role can manage the roles of other users and even role manager cannot remove a user from the admins role, only admins can do that.



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