user session management

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3/17/2011 6:57:18 AM
Total Posts 3

user session management

Hi all

Can anyone help me for the below scenario. I am new to mojoportal.

I need to allow more than one user instance to the same site from same machine and same browser type.

Eg: i have site with site id 1. There are two users user1 and user2. I open the site in internet explorer and logged in as user1. The in the same machine i took one more internet explorer window. This now automatically shows user1 as logged in.

What i need is when i open the second internet explorer window, i need to see this as a fresh one and i need to log in as user2.

Can this be possible?

If anyone can help me to identify how the logged in user details are stored in the system, it will be very helpful.

3/17/2011 7:19:15 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: user session management

No, it isn't possible. You could use another browser for the second user like Firefox or Chrome, but authentication is based on a cookie and the cookie is per windows user using the browser, so if you are already logged in in IE and open another IE window you are still logged in.

Hope it helps,


3/17/2011 7:24:27 AM
Total Posts 3

Re: user session management

Thank you Joe for the reply.

What i was thinking is that, if we can modify the cookie name with a unique value for each user, we may be able to handle this situation.

For verifying this, i was searching for where the cookie is being set in mojo portal when a user logs in. In siteutils.cs i can find getting user details from httpcontext.current object as "currrenuser" item.

But unable to find where this is been set to "currentuser" item.

3/17/2011 7:26:47 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: user session management

trust me. forget about this idea, its not a good idea to even try it and certainly nothing we will support in mojoportal.

3/17/2011 7:31:03 AM
Total Posts 3

Re: user session management

Thanks Joe..

I think i should drop this idea now.. :(


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