IE9 does not show custom icon in tabs

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3/15/2011 2:41:17 PM
Total Posts 383
Thanks Squire Dude

IE9 does not show custom icon in tabs

I installed IE9 on a Windows 7 64-bit machine and I noticed a change in the way that the Tabs of IE9 show a mojoportal site... they no longer display the selected, custom icon any longer.

3/15/2011 4:27:21 PM
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Re: IE9 does not show custom icon in tabs

I'm sure that a lot of little things are going to crop up with IE9. Joe has stated that once IE9 is officially released, he'll evaluate it in depth and work to correct any issues in mojoPortal that need to be fixed.


3/15/2011 5:00:28 PM
Total Posts 245
mojoPortal Community Expert

Re: IE9 does not show custom icon in tabs

Hi Guys

I got an email today from Microsoft to download and try the new IE9.

I downloaded and installed the x64 version here.  In the about box it no longer has "RC".  It says "RTM" which is Release to Manufacturing.

I tried several of my mojoPortal sites and the tabs all render and work fine.  Although they worked fine in the RC release also.

I guess IE9 has gone final???


3/15/2011 5:33:20 PM
Total Posts 2252

Re: IE9 does not show custom icon in tabs

Hi all,

IE9 was officially released last night at 9PM Pacific. I have tested many different mojoPortal sites and not had any issues.

Joe D.

3/15/2011 5:55:29 PM
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Re: IE9 does not show custom icon in tabs

Thanks guys, I missed the news on that one. Time to upgrade!


3/16/2011 1:39:07 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: IE9 does not show custom icon in tabs

I've only noticed a few little anomalies with IE 9 so far.

With the skin on this site it was showing the fonts in the menu really bold and it was throwing off the menu rendering compared to other browsers so I had to add an override file for IE 9 (implemented like we have for other versions of IE), and make the font used there a little less bold. I fixed this first thing yesterday after I installed IE 9 and noticed it. The JQueryUI skin also needed some reduction in boldness for headings.

The most annoying thing I've discovered so far is a problem with the menu on this site, if you right click a menu link you don't get the option to open the link in a new tab (in fact you get no option to open the link at all with right clicking). I've noticed the same thing in gmail, where when using Chrome I can right click the google calendar link at the top of gmail and open it in a new tab, but in IE 9 I can't.

In the skin for this site I've narrowed down the problem is caused by the use of display:block; on the span element inside the link. The span is used for hanging a background image for the right corner of the tab. If I change it to display:inline the right clicking works on the link but the style is not right, whereas with display:block the style is right but it seems that right clicking is interpreted as clicking the span and not the link, even though the span is inside the link. Haven't figured out a good solution for this one yet.

I haven't seen this problem in other skins so far but have not checked them all exhaustively.



3/16/2011 1:51:00 PM
Total Posts 2252

Re: IE9 does not show custom icon in tabs

Hey Joe,

Good catch on the right-click thing. I would have never noticed that because I use the scroll-wheel to open links in new tabs (click the wheel instead of scrolling it). This is the default behavior of all the browsers and it is one less click. That might be a work-around for you, unless you are using a really old mouse with out a scroll-wheel that also functions as a button, or worse yet a mouse with out a scroll-wheel at all.

I'll see if I can come up with a CSS solution. Have you tried z-index to force the span behind the link?

Joe D.

3/16/2011 1:55:39 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: IE9 does not show custom icon in tabs

Hey Joe,

I didn't know about the wheel click, that does work but I'm a creature of habit and there might be others like me out there who live by the right click, so I'd love any help with a solution for it.

I tried throwing a high z-index on the anchor but haven't tried any z-index on the span. I looked through the CSS for z-index thinking there must be a z-index causing the problem, but I didn't find any. I'd be grateful for any wizardry you can come up with to fix it.



3/17/2011 7:35:08 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: IE9 does not show custom icon in tabs

fyi, I made a blog post this morning about this problem showing the minimal html needed to illustrate the problem. Still have no idea for a solution yet.



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