Quit working after download from Tortoise

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3/15/2011 12:41:00 PM
Total Posts 37

Quit working after download from Tortoise

I downloaded the newest changes to mojoPortal from Tortoise as I do about once a week. Unfortunately, this time my site has changed drastically. My titles are not showing up on the left and right panels. The titles are actually underneath the header image.


And every new feature I try to add won't create the h2 moduletitle but leaves that out completely. I just get the art-postheaderdataheader without the



Here is the difference between what is there from features/pages that I created prior to the download and the current code when I create a new feature/page on the website:


Before:(these were mojoPortal features/pages that I had previously created before the download):








ANY HELP WOULD BE APPRECIATED! Not sure where else to look.

3/15/2011 12:56:48 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Quit working after download from Tortoise

Did you rebuild the entire solution and visit the setup page?

3/15/2011 1:15:58 PM
Total Posts 37

Re: Quit working after download from Tortoise

Yes! Several times.

3/15/2011 1:25:05 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Quit working after download from Tortoise

Do you have this setting in Web.config or user.config with a setting other than h2?

<add key="ModuleTitleTag" value="h2"/>

like do you have this with an empty space?:

<add key="ModuleTitleTag" value=" "/>

that would cause it.

there is a new feature that allows you to control the heading tag used and even edit it, but it uses the default from the above setting when creating new instances.

If you add this to user.config

<add key="EnableEditingModuleTitleElement" value="true" />

then you can edit the heading tag from ModuleSettings.aspx ie click "settings" and look on the General tab

3/15/2011 1:41:16 PM
Total Posts 37

Re: Quit working after download from Tortoise

That cured my problem. I added the new key to my user.config and it worked! What should I have been reading to realize that change?


Thank you!

3/15/2011 1:56:03 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Quit working after download from Tortoise

unless you had it specified somewhere else with a different value, it exists by default in Web.config and even if it was completely missing it would work because there is a default even if it was missing. The only thing I know of that would cause the problem you described is if it was present and had an empty space as the value. No-one else working from the repository has reported any problem with it so far.

there are some skin changes noted here, and other changes will be documented when we make a new release.



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