Superfish menu and Artisteer

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3/15/2011 11:24:04 AM
Total Posts 167

Superfish menu and Artisteer

Is there a way of getting Superfish to work with artisteer templates. I really like the smooth way that the menu scrolls and a potential client certainly would prefer this.

If not is there any other way of getting the menus to slide once they are created in Artisteer, could Radmenu be the solution?

Any help here would be great, even if the answer is that is that Artisteer and sliding menus are not compatible.

3/15/2011 11:54:25 AM
Total Posts 2252

Re: Superfish menu and Artisteer


Remove the UseArtisteer property from the SiteMenu control in the layout.master. Once you do that, follow the instructions here:

Joe D.

3/15/2011 1:53:17 PM
Total Posts 167

Re: Superfish menu and Artisteer


I forgot to mention that I had done that, the menus slides nicely however it reverts back to the default style. I would like to keep the styling I get from Artisteer but use the nice gliding menus.  Is there a way of doing that.

3/15/2011 2:09:57 PM
Total Posts 2252

Re: Superfish menu and Artisteer


You will have to migrate the style rules from the Artisteer Selectors to the SuperFish Selectors. For instance, in Artisteer markup, the .active class is used in the menu for the active page LI and A elements; whereas in SuperFish, the .current class is used. There are many other selectors to take into consideration but you will have to use FireBug and investigate those.

There isn't a magic button that will do it for you.

Joe D.


3/15/2011 2:15:38 PM
Total Posts 167

Re: Superfish menu and Artisteer

OK Joe, that's great I will work on that then.

Cheers for getting back so quick.

p.s Do you guys ever sleep?

3/16/2011 3:25:02 PM
Total Posts 167

Re: Superfish menu and Artisteer


With copying the classes over I notice that in artisteer the menu has aspects such as .l .r and .t .I think that this is for styling round the edge of the menu items.

However in superfish, these clases are not used and I don't think that alternatives are used. Is it that to use superfish with artisteer then some of the curved styling cannot be used.

If this is the case, would you know any suggestions to get .l .r and .t into superfish rendering of the menu or other alternatives to have a smooth menu.



3/17/2011 7:49:44 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Superfish menu and Artisteer

I'm going to see if I can implement a way to do that in the near future. I've already done some initial work to make it very configurable about the css classes rendered. I think if I can make it configurable also for some of the extra markup needed for various scenarios  then it should be easier to accomplish this.

Though I imagine it might be possible today just a bit more tricky.



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