Develop featur integrating with mojoPortal users

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3/15/2011 10:18:35 AM
Total Posts 5

Develop feature integrating with mojoPortal users

I'm new, and have just started building a new feature.  Is there a point of reference on how to integrate with the users in the mp_users table?  As I'm building the schema to support my feature, should I just put a UserID and SiteID column on my tables that are specific to users?  And is there an object within the framework that gives me access to user information?  Something like

MojoObject.CurrentLoggedInUser, etc.. ???



3/15/2011 12:59:07 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Develop featur integrating with mojoPortal users

Hi Josh,

The best way to find out how to do such things is to look at the source code for existing features. Almost any common task you will find examples of in the source code.

using mojoPortal.Busines;

SiteUser currentUser = SiteUtils.GetCurrentSiteUser();

Hope it helps,


3/15/2011 2:13:03 PM
Total Posts 5

Re: Develop featur integrating with mojoPortal users

Great! Thanks!

So, I'll just continue to use this thread to keep notes as I'm thinking to myself, also in the event anybody else searches the thread they might find this useful, or can correct me if I'm doing something stupid.


So, it looks like the best approach for my schema is for me to create a UserGuid column on my tables that hold user specific data.


[UserGuid] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL


When working with these tables holding user specific data, I can obtain the UserGuid in code via

SiteUser siteUser = SiteUtils.GetCurrentSiteUser();

String userGuid = siteUser.UserGuid;



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