Where do find users not part of the memberlist in mojoportal?

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3/15/2011 12:41:20 AM
Total Posts 76

Where do find users not part of the memberlist in mojoportal?

Hello all,

where do I find users who are set to be not listed on the member list?

Thank you

3/15/2011 7:45:52 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Where do find users not part of the memberlist in mojoportal?

hidden users are shown on the member list when logged in as admin, they have an indicator that indicates they are hidden so you can know which ones are hidden.



3/17/2011 11:59:38 PM
Total Posts 76

Re: Where do find users not part of the memberlist in mojoportal?

Hi Joe,

Thanks so much for the reply...

But Joe,that isn't happening for me. The users aren't displaying at all when I login as admin.

Please guide me,

Thank you so much!

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