Cannot create new page

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3/14/2011 7:35:18 PM
Total Posts 11

Cannot create new page

I have installed the mojo on win 2003 and SQL 2008 R2. The problem I'm having is not to be able to create new pages when logged in as admin. The permissions on app_data and data folders are set to be writable for iis_WPG, network service and aspnet user. I'm not sure where else to look for the problem. I use the same code and run in on windows 7, works fine. not sure what the problem is. Please advise.

3/15/2011 9:57:12 AM
Total Posts 1203
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Re: Cannot create new page

What error(s) are you getting? What is shown in Administration, System Log?

3/15/2011 12:15:40 PM
Total Posts 11

Re: Cannot create new page

There is no error logged in the system log. What happens is that when after I fill out the form for creating new page, and click on the "Create New Page" button, it just times out.

3/15/2011 1:01:55 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Cannot create new page

is your log completely empty? It should not be and if it is it indicates that file system permissions are not correct. The user that needs write permissions on /Data and /App_Data is the user  that is the identity on the application pool.

Hope it helps,


3/15/2011 1:05:14 PM
Total Posts 11

Re: Cannot create new page

Hi Joe,

No, the log was not completely empty, but I clreared it out to see if any error generated for the problem. Those folders are writable for IIS_WPG, Network Service, and ASPNET User. any advise?

3/15/2011 1:12:32 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Cannot create new page

I have no idea what would be causing a timeout, unless you have a really slow database connection or a very busy database that can't respond quickly. Or unless you have some custom code running in a PageCreatedEventHandler, that might be taking a long time.

Are you sure the pages are not being created? If you recycle the app to clear the cache does the new page then appear? If it cannot write to the cahce dependency files then it can't clear the cache for the site map, so new pages would not appear until the cache is cleared.

3/15/2011 5:40:15 PM
Total Posts 11

Re: Cannot create new page



There was no custom code. I added a debugger of my own to trace the problem. I found that app hangs when tried to insert the record into the mp_pages table. The call to mp_Pages_Insert stored proc send 2 parameters less than the stored proc expects. They are BodyCssClass & MenuCssClass which are not in the Create subroutine in dbPageSettings.cs file. I have not corrected the problem yet, but this is FYI.  Let me know what you think about this.

3/15/2011 5:57:24 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Cannot create new page

you left out important information by not mentioning that you were using a build from source code you obtained from the source code repository and compiled yourself with Visual Studio, and not an official version of any deployment package of mojoPortal.

these fields are only in the source code repository they have not yet made it into any official version of mojoPortal.

anyone working from the source code repository should know that they need to rebuild the entire solution and visit the /Setup/Default.aspx page to run any upgrade scripts. the upgrade scripts would fix your stored procedure(s)

please in the future if you have problems with builds you created and deployed and not with official version deployment packages, you should ask questions about it in the developer forum and not report it as a bug.

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