2011-03-14 13:06:26,330 ERROR mojoPortal.Business.Forum - IDataReader didn't read in Forum.GetForum

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3/14/2011 12:12:28 PM
Total Posts 125

ERROR mojoPortal.Business.Forum - IDataReader didn't read in Forum.GetForum



Any ideas what this

2011-03-14 13:06:26,330 ERROR mojoPortal.Business.Forum - IDataReader didn't read in Forum.GetForum

means ? I run mojo latest / net4 / sql with IIS 7.5r2-sql2008



3/15/2011 1:33:18 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: 2011-03-14 13:06:26,330 ERROR mojoPortal.Business.Forum - IDataReader didn't read in Forum.GetForum

are you seeing this repeatedly? If it only happened in a short time period it sounds like the database was not accessible for a moment or so.

I would not worry about it unless it happens a lot or you actually experience a problem with the forum not working.

3/15/2011 2:22:32 PM
Total Posts 125

Re: 2011-03-14 13:06:26,330 ERROR mojoPortal.Business.Forum - IDataReader didn't read in Forum.GetForum

I only saw that once and i see no problem in the portal.

Btw: seeing my post, i found a bug ? While i edited the title to remove the dates, i still see the full dates in the title.




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