Wrong page redirection while making a blog post.

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3/14/2011 11:14:22 AM
Total Posts 126
YAF developer

Wrong page redirection while making a blog post.

When I'm making a blog post mojopoortal says me tells about a wrong pagesurprise.

We're sorry but we could not find the page you are looking for. Please try the Site map.

3/15/2011 1:58:11 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Wrong page redirection while making a blog post.

Hi Bob,

Are you seeing any other errors in the log that might be related?

What url is redirecting to when it is saying page not found?



3/15/2011 3:58:21 PM
Total Posts 126
YAF developer

Re: Wrong page redirection while making a blog post.

I constantly encountering the problem since I've installed MP for my new site months ago. No log errors, it seems that when a page is created it doesn't exist in a cache or something and MP redirects to it. When I open an other page in menu and after this come back - it already displays OK.  Really I simply don't have time to unravel it. But it happens with every culture and alphabet when I post a new message in blog. If I get more details I write here again, as I understand it's not reproducible with your installation.sad

3/16/2011 12:23:03 PM
Total Posts 125

Re: Wrong page redirection while making a blog post.

I have seen that also many times.

I think it has to do with the automatic url creation when you write a post. Also i think it has to do with the url re-write. I have tried to make it happen on purpose but failed.



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