Page_Load, Textbox1.Text is empty?

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3/12/2011 4:56:42 AM
Total Posts 3

Page_Load, Textbox1.Text is empty?

hi. i have simple ascx module with a textbox and a button.

user enters something in textbox and presses button. in Page_Load of my ascx Textbox1.Text is empty.

but later in Button_Click Textbox1.Text  contains user text. WHY? 


without mojo this ascx work fine.

3/13/2011 12:05:42 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Page_Load, Textbox1.Text is empty?

Make sure you are not wiring up events twice.If you have AutoEventWireup="true" in the .ascx but are wiring up events also in the code then it can cause the page load event to fire twice and this can cause strange results.

Also you may need to add this line of code to your page load event

Page.EnableViewState = true;

Hope it helps,


1/27/2012 6:55:07 AM
Total Posts 1

Re: Page_Load, Textbox1.Text is empty?


I've had a similar issue with hidden fields inside a module. After posting back, their values were empty strings (after being set in the browser) until  the event handler for the button control was reached.

I assumed this was because the module/user controls aren't loaded until the mojoportal page's page load event and (for some reason) their state wasn't available until later in the page's life cycle.

After a bit of refactoring, I found that it was unnecessary to access the hidden fields until the event handler ran anyway.

But I can confirm that (under some circumstances?) the controls' values were not available during page load (with AutoEventWireup="false")

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