Menus with children

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3/11/2011 3:22:23 AM
Total Posts 28

Menus with children

Hi can someone please help me with this:

I have created a menu with drop downs but want to redirect the Parent menu name to one of its children. These are my settings atm and seems the only way i can do it is if i add the url of the child page i want to redirect it to which seems strange. I tried to add /laptops-advanced-search.aspx instead of the url but this does not work. It still takes me to the page


3/14/2011 7:37:46 AM
Total Posts 18428
3/14/2011 7:50:53 AM
Total Posts 28

Re: Menus with children

perfect, thanks joe

3/14/2011 8:50:28 AM
Total Posts 28

Re: Menus with children

Tried that method but is no good either as it doesnt actually divert you to the child page like a url would.

And if you add the mapping like this is the parent page settings /this-is-where-i-want-to-point.aspx instead of

It shows an error saying you cant point two pages in the same nav menu to the same page, which is exactly what we are trying to do.

This issue is that if we add a url to point to the page, it is bad for seoing..

Below is what we are trying to achieve:



         New Vehicles


    3/14/2011 8:56:16 AM
    Total Posts 18428

    Re: Menus with children

    The article does not say use the same friendly url on the parent page as the child page, it says use the same real url with the same pageid. The friendly urls must be different but they can point to the same page. 

    However this would result in the url of the parent  page showing the same content as the url for the child page so this would also not be best for SEO.

    The javascript approach is probably the best for this.

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