Multiple templates within the same site?

A place for discussion about skinning and design. Before posting questions here you should review the documentation about creating skins.

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3/10/2011 11:22:16 PM
Total Posts 14

Multiple templates within the same site?

Hi All.  I may have missed this in the documentation I read, but I'm not seeing a way to have more than one page template within the same site.  For example, I have a site that has a drastically different homepage and interior page templates.  Is this possible?  I have what I think is the latest ( installed.



3/11/2011 6:20:27 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Multiple templates within the same site?

You can enable per page skins from Site Settings, then it will show up as a dropdown in page settings allowing you to use different skins on different pages.

Note however that if running in medium trust under .NET 3.5 that there can be problems if the different skins need different settings in See additional notes about it here:



3/11/2011 10:31:24 AM
Total Posts 245
mojoPortal Community Expert

Re: Multiple templates within the same site?

Hi Erik

I use that very same scenario because I only want the homepage to have the large header banner.

1) Set the whole site to use your interior skin.

2) Set the homepage skin to use the per page skin.



3/14/2011 11:43:11 AM
Total Posts 14

Re: Multiple templates within the same site?

Awesome, I knew there was an easy way.  Thank you both, Joe and Rick!



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