Usercontrol findcontrol

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3/9/2011 1:21:59 PM
Total Posts 31

Usercontrol findcontrol


I have a problem with finding a control inside a formview in my usercontrol.
I always get a null reference exception.

complete this task?

I have a usercontrol with the following controls

     runat="server" ID="TitleControl" />

           DataSourceID="xpWerkgever" DefaultMode="Insert" ondatabinding="fvWerkgever_DataBinding"

I would like to add items on runtime to the cbxBranche (pageload)

        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            moduleSettings = ModuleSettings.GetModuleSettings(this.ModuleId);
            //if (moduleSettings["Captcha"].Equals("false"))
            if (!IsPostBack)

        private void setComboBoxen()
            DropDownList dl = fvWerkgever.FindControl("cbxBranche") as DropDownList;
            ListItem item = new ListItem("Nieuw", "-1");           

How can i find this control?

Greetings Patrick

3/10/2011 9:24:22 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Usercontrol findcontrol

FormView is a databound control. Child controls inside an itemtemplate are repeated controls so they don't have global ids like unrepeated controls. You can find them by id but only inside events that fire on the databound control.

I don't use FormView anywhere in mojoPortal so I have no example for you, but it is similar in concept with gridview and other databound controls.

If you look in source code in Web/Admin/ModuleDefinitionSettings.aspx.cs you can see how I find controls inside the Row_Updating event like this:

TextBox txtSortOrder = (TextBox)grid.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[1].FindControl("txtSortOrder");

Hope it helps,



3/21/2011 2:04:38 AM
Total Posts 31

Re: Usercontrol findcontrol

Yoe, Thanks


Works fine!

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