Unable to Add Pages - New Issue

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3/7/2011 3:34:02 PM
Total Posts 22

Unable to Add Pages - New Issue

Hello MoJo,

Everything has been smooth, for a long time.

Today, when logging in as Admin, and Create New Page.

When entering a Title and Page Name, the URL does not dynamically display the url based on Title or Page Name.

Next, if I just accept the url and hit save, the page never reloads, nor does the record get save.

Eventually, in IE I get an error of web page can not be displayed.

In FireFox, times out.

In Chrome, receive the following...

This website is temporarily unavailable. Please check back later.

Unfortunately there were no suitable nodes available to serve this request.


Nothing has changed, no updates to code have occurred.

Any ideas on what is happening?


I am considering to download and upload latest version, as I know you added captcha to login for me.

Following that path, I have not performed any Update and am unsure the process.

Do I download the same code, unpack, copy to server, and run Install?

Will that remove my current pages and work?

Or do I only move a portion up?

So, two parts to this post.  1.) Error has developed.  2.) update method (I am afraid of creating new issues)

Thank you,


3/10/2011 12:53:34 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Unable to Add Pages - New Issue

Hi Scott,

I guess you are hosted in Rackspace Cloud hosting. Maybe something changed in their environment lately. See this related thread.



3/14/2011 2:24:38 PM
Total Posts 11

Re: Unable to Add Pages - New Issue

I have the same issue in the production environment. when you go to add a new page, the page never comes back & finally times out. But you can modify the existing ones. In the dev. environment, I don't have that problem. The site is on win 2008 / SQL 2008 R2. The codes are identical, except, the production version has a published version of the code. What triggers the "Create New Page"  that may depend on environment? any security settings?

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