Shared files: file queue not displayed

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3/7/2011 10:49:20 AM
Total Posts 22

Shared files: file queue not displayed

I am trying to use the Shared files module. I recently upgraded to the most recent version of Mojoportal and since then I cannot see the files that are queued for uploading. If I select a file and upload it, it works, but as I said I cannot see the list as was the case before. I cannot upload multiple files either.



3/7/2011 11:05:01 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Shared files: file queue not displayed

We changed in recent versions so that it is configured by default for medium trust hosting which has NeatUpload disabled since it does not work in medium trust. If you have full trust hosting you can rename your Web.config to Web.mediumtrust.config and rename the Web.fulltrust.config to Web.config, then restore any custom settings such as the machine key

Hope it helps,


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