Feeds in Tabs

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3/7/2011 8:38:54 AM
Total Posts 11

Feeds in Tabs

Hi Joe:

Is there a way I can have three tabs and have three different feeds in them. I see you can create Content templates for HTML .. can we do the same for Feeds?



3/7/2011 11:05:27 AM
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Re: Feeds in Tabs

Hi, this is a pretty advanced topic and will require some custom work, but since you're posting in the developer forum, I'll assume you know the basics. Take a look at this thread for a technique that may help you do this.

Joe D.'s blog post about this is located here.


3/7/2011 11:09:37 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Feeds in Tabs

I have to disagree with Jamie on this one. It would indeed take custom development but I specifically do not recommend the approach in the linked thread and do not think it will work well with the feed manager.

ModuleWrapper was a hack when it was first created and it still is a hack and doesn't work well. Friends don't let friends use ModuleWrapper :-D



3/7/2011 11:17:45 AM
Total Posts 1203
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Re: Feeds in Tabs

Thanks for the clarification Joe. I've also wanted to try something like this, but just haven't had the chance to play around with it yet. Is there a better method of doing this that might be supported by mojoPortal eventually?



3/7/2011 11:24:54 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Feeds in Tabs

Sorry but no, I've got nothing up my sleeve to support composing features together, they were all designed to be self contained. I regret ever creating that ModuleWrapper. It can work ok for html content but for anything else it is rubbish.



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