Any experiences with running mojoPortal in a VPS environment?

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3/4/2011 2:40:43 PM
Total Posts 46

Any experiences with running mojoPortal in a VPS environment?

I deployed mojoPortal to a VPS at my ISP (CrystalTech) and, even with their most robust VPS offering, the implementation was slow. Could anybody share their experiences with VPS including the name of the ISP and the plan that you bought? I'd like to talk some of my clients into taking a step up from shared hosting but many of them do not want the expense of a dedicated server.

Thanks for any insights.


3/5/2011 11:43:44 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Any experiences with running mojoPortal in a VPS environment?

Back before I had a dedicated server I ran this site and and on a VPS. It had only 500 MB of RAM and it was doing all it could to run those sites and eventually it was not enough and Ibegan to have trouble. That amount of memory doesn't give enough headroom because it uses most of that just for basic running of IIS and SQLExpress. If you can get 1 GB or 2GB of RAM on the VPS it might work okay/pretty well. But with a basic VPS package with 500MB of RAM you really are not going to get better performance than shared hosting, what you get is more control of the server but it doesn't have enough resources to give high performance or handle lots of sites. If the package has less than 500MB of RAM it probably won't work well at all and the app pool will recycle continuously because there isn't enough memory available.

Hope it helps,


3/5/2011 11:48:42 PM
Total Posts 46

Re: Any experiences with running mojoPortal in a VPS environment?

Thanks, Joe. That is pretty much my experience so far. There also seems to be a reluctance on the part of some VPS hosts to quantify minimum memory allocations. I guess I'll push for dedicated servers.


Appreciate you sharing your insights.


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