File Upload Issue In Shared Files Module

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3/3/2011 10:02:20 PM
Total Posts 27

File Upload Issue In Shared Files Module


My mojoportal is running in a medium-trust Windows IIS 7.0 environment with a MySQL database. Current version is

While I use the shared files module to upload a small file, it is OK. However, when I tried to upload a file which is about 12MB, it failed. I have checked relevant information in this forum and on Internet, but I am not sure whether this is a bug or a problem of my settings. Because I feel 12MB is not too big and I did this successfully in an old version before.

Is there anybody else has this problem? 



3/4/2011 4:01:52 AM
Total Posts 51
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Re: File Upload Issue In Shared Files Module

Hi friends,

I have a problem near this problem. I add  a Share File Module in page and upload a small file it was work good. then I wanted to upload a file with 5MB size.

this upload failed after upload half size of file! and now "add file" button do not work any action. when i right Click on this view flash option(Zoom in , Zoom out ant etc.)

I add another share file module but this problem is exist in new instance.

I use : mojo , MSSQL 2008



3/5/2011 12:13:51 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: File Upload Issue In Shared Files Module

Everything I know about configuring support for large file uploads is here:

Hope it helps,


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