mono 2.10.1 hands on .axd and .ashx files

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3/3/2011 2:33:26 AM
Total Posts 3

mono 2.10.1 hangs on .axd and .ashx files

I have an instance of mojoPortal running on mono 2.6.7 and apache which works fine. However I have upgraded my version of mono to 2.10.1 (Installed under a separate path). Now when I run mojoPortal it generates the html for a page without any troubles. The problem I have is that it just hangs on all of the WebResource.axd, ScriptResource.axd and csshandler.ashx files


3/5/2011 12:09:06 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: mono 2.10.1 hands on .axd and .ashx files

Unfortunately this is how is has been with Mono since 2004, each release has bugs and new releases fix some and new ones are introduced. It is always a hit or miss, your mileage may vary kind of thing running complex web applications like mojoPortal on Mono. That is why I do not recommend for anyone to use Mono for any important production sites running mojoPortal. I had hoped that eventually it would become a stable platform for web apps but it never quite gets there. The Mono team are always chasing a moving target because .NET and ASP.NET keep evolving. Every now and then a Mono release seems pretty good with only a few minor bugs but never have I ever had it run mojoPortal with zero bugs.



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