IntenseDebate comment problem

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3/1/2011 5:45:13 PM
Total Posts 11

IntenseDebate comment problem

My Website provider runs Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1

MSSQL 2008

MojoPortal v2.3.3.5 MSSQL


I configured IntenseDebate as the commenting system for the blog (after trying the internal system for one or two comments).  No comment form appears on the page, so I emailed IntenseDebate support, giving them my site URL.  They came back with the quote below (I can't write past it).



Colin Begg

Hi Colin,

Thanks for the account information. You can access the correct JavaScript code for IntenseDebate at . You will need to remove the code that you currently have in your template and replace it with the correct scripts.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Kind regards,
Michael Koenig
Automattic | | IntenseDebate

3/2/2011 2:41:57 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: IntenseDebate comment problem

Hi Colin,

I'm using IntenseDebate on this site in my blog and it appears to be working fine in my blog posts such as the latest one:

Things I would suggest:

  1. double check what you have for your IntenseDebate Account id in Site Settings and/or in blog settings
  2. try using different skins and see if it might be something about the skin interfering with it

I'll take a look when I get a chance to see if the code they suggest has changed since I implemented it, but it seems to be working for me and I hav enot heard anyone else report it not working.

Hope it helps,


3/2/2011 2:43:35 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: IntenseDebate comment problem

MojoPortal v2.3.3.5 MSSQL

Was that a typo or are you really running such an old version?



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