Site Membership Pro

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3/1/2011 5:25:37 AM
Total Posts 16

Site Membership Pro

Hi Joe.

On the Paid Product Road Map I read about Site Membership Pro. Can you tell me more about the time of realization?

3/1/2011 8:29:23 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Site Membership Pro

I really can't commit to any delivery date because my time is pulled in many directions. I can say that Site Memebrship Pro is probably the next product I will work on but I go back and forth between working on improvements to mojoPortal and working on add on products. Since I just shipped Web Invoice Pro, right now I've started work on the next round of improvements for mojoPortal. After the next release of mojoPortal I will focus on the next add on product and/or improvements to existing add on products.



3/1/2011 1:32:30 PM
Total Posts 16

Re: Site Membership Pro

Thank you, Joe.

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