Page not found in system logs

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2/28/2011 5:57:45 AM
Total Posts 125

Page not found in system logs


I have build a new website in Greek for a non-profit organization. While browsing the website i see no errors, the system log is full of such errors (different urls but same error):

2011-02-28 11:54:15,706 ERROR mojoPortal.Web.PageNotFoundHttpModule -  PageNotFoundHttpModule handled error.
System.Web.HttpException (0x80004005): The file '/δοκιμαστικό.aspx' does not exist.
   at System.Web.UI.Util.CheckVirtualFileExists(VirtualPath virtualPath)


Apparently this is the Greek url name. But i don't really understand why this error doesn't show when browsing the website. Or maybe it does and i just can't replicate it ?

Any ideas ?


2/28/2011 6:38:41 AM
Total Posts 125

Re: Page not found in system logs

Ok, this comes from the Facebook I like enabled.

Any ideas how to fix this ?



2/28/2011 7:38:56 AM
Total Posts 125

Re: Page not found in system logs

Ok, changing the culture to Greek the error is gone.

Thank you !

2/28/2011 10:10:59 AM
Total Posts 125

Re: Page not found in system logs

It seems that i was quick to say the problem is gone.

Still i see errors coming from (facebook) about page not found.



2/28/2011 10:45:21 AM
Total Posts 2252

Re: Page not found in system logs


That error occurs because the page doesn't actually exist on disk so mojoPortal grabs the error and looks for a virtual page with that URL. If one exists, mojoPortal serves that page. If one doesn't exist, mojoPortal serves the mojoPortal "page not found" page. Thus, it is more of an informational message and not an error.

Hope this helps,
Joe D.

2/28/2011 11:04:36 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Page not found in system logs

Hey Joe D,

You are right that in general 404s in the error log are not of much concern, but I think that there is an actual problem in this case if users click a link on facebook that someone liked and then it results in a 404.

The problem is that he is using non-ascii characters (Greek) in his urls, and though that generally works in the browser, the Facebook like button needs the url to be url encoded.

It is possible that when he changed his site to force Greek culture that fixed it so that url encoding works better. But possibly links that were "liked" before that change still exist on some facebook pages and when people click them it causes this 404 because of the way the urls were encoded.

I have seen this in IE where if you click a link with unencoded non-ascii characters it works, but if you paste it into the url bar IE url encodes it and then it results in a 404.

It can be problematic using non-ascii urls in some cases and I don't have any perfect solutions for it.

I could try adding a setting on our Facebook like button to allow configuring it to not url encoding the url to like, it might work but it might not or might cause other problems.

But I think it would be best to see if it really is fixed by the change to Greek culture and only links created by liking before he made that change are still broken.





2/28/2011 11:49:42 AM
Total Posts 125

Re: Page not found in system logs

Well, i deleted one page that i had created before the culture change and during the DELETE i saw the page not found. The page was deleted.

I will have to closely monitor this to see if it is an informative error or something that causes pages not to display (at times ?).


Thanks !

3/2/2011 1:42:09 AM
Total Posts 125

Re: Page not found in system logs


The Facebook I like continues to give an error with Greek urls

So the question is, how can i disable url rewriting or something ?



3/2/2011 2:58:57 AM
Total Posts 125

Re: Page not found in system logs

It seems that turning the auto-suggest off for urls work ok when creating pages but not in Blogs posts. When creating a new post in blog, the url rewritten in Greek.



3/2/2011 11:31:03 AM
Total Posts 125

Re: Page not found in system logs

I would like some help in turning the urlrewrite in blog posts for a while, until we figure out how to solve tha FB problem.

If there an option for that or even something like "Translit" of the open source ?



3/2/2011 2:25:37 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Page not found in system logs

I'll try to make it a priority for the next release to support blog posts without friendly urls. It should not be too difficult, once upon a time in the past we did support it, but at some point decided to remove it.



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