Upgrade from really old version

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  • What operating system were you running when the bug appeared?
  • What database platform is your site using?
  • What version of mojoPortal are you running?
  • What version of .NET do you use?
  • What steps are necessary to reproduce the issue? Compare expected results vs actual results.

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2/24/2011 4:44:32 PM
Total Posts 15

Upgrade from really old version

Hi There...

wondering if i can get some advice...

i have a version of MP that has been running for over a year now... sorry i can't remember the version, but it runs on .net 2.0 and uses mssql2000...

i have a backup of the database and am attempting to move it to a new server with the latest version of MP (2-3-6-2)..

i've resigned myself to the fact that i need to re-do the css from scratch to work with the new version... but i was hoping there was a lazy way to move the actual database data across to our new hosting.. 

i set up MP as a fresh installation and restored the old database over the new one just to see if it would work... unfortunately i get this error

The stored procedure 'mp_SchemaVersion_SelectOne' doesn't exist

i wasn't really expecting it to work, but i was hoping that you might know a way for me to avoid moving all my data by hand... it's a large site and it would take me a ages to do this manualy..

any helpful words are much appreciated!

thanks keith


2/24/2011 5:33:19 PM
Total Posts 2252

Re: Upgrade from really old version


Well the first thing you need to be aware of is mojoPortal stopped supporting SQL Server 2000 with version Also, your method for upgrading will not work because the database must be upgraded and it doesn't sound like you moved your site files over so any images or other files you used or linked to in content (not skinning) wouldn't be available.

Read this document to be sure you cover all your bases before moving anything: http://www.mojoportal.com/moving-an-installation-of-mojoportal-to-a-different-server.aspx

Read this document for upgrading your site: http://www.mojoportal.com/upgrading.aspx

Unless you are using a very very old version of mojoPortal, you shouldn't need to create a new skin for the site. To figure out what version you are running, go to Administration > System Information.

Joe D.

2/24/2011 10:13:47 PM
Total Posts 15

Re: Upgrade from really old version

Hey Joe..

thanks for getting back to me!

i actually had moved all my data files over and followed the instructions... i was able to successfully restore the sql2000 database over the top of the sql2008 one i am now using...

the only thing i can see that i may have done wrong is that my site is using a temporary subdomain: something.domain.com.au .. do you think this might be causing the error?  i don't have a choice of domain name until i ultimately change the domain name unfortunately...

i was hoping that the error "The stored procedure 'mp_SchemaVersion_SelectOne' doesn't exist" might help indicate what's going on... 

do you think it's worth perusing what i'm doing? or do you think it's better (and possibly quicker) to just recreate the site by hand? am i wasting my time?

thanks k

2/25/2011 7:02:51 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Upgrade from really old version

The domain should not matter. It sounds like you did not succeed in restoring the database correctly. You must make a backup on the sql 2000 machine and then restore that backup on the sql 2008 machine, it cannot be done by importing objects, it must be done by restoring the db. Your db user should be dbo on the database or he may not see the objects which could cause the stored procedure not found error.

It should work fine by restoring the db, but if it is a small site with only a few pages and you are having difficulty restoring the db then you could just re-create the content with copy paste, but it is better if you can just restore the db if you have lots of content and existing users.

I would not try upgrading at the same time, I would migrate to the sql 2008 using the existing version you have then after getting the site up and running on the newer db platform proceed with upgrading to the latest version of mojoPortal. Doing both at the same time is more likely to be difficult.

Hope it helps,


2/28/2011 4:54:44 PM
Total Posts 15

Re: Upgrade from really old version

Hi Joe...

i've found it impossible to restore the old database to our new hosting (and not for lack of trying or education!!)... so i'm going to try a new tact...

all i really need to move is the pages and associated content... so i'm thinking of scripting the process to create the sitemap to at least get me started and save me weeks of copying and pasting... can you see a problem with making a script, or DTS to transfer data from our MSSQL database to a freshly created MSSQL version?  any tricks i need to know about?  

any advice is much appreciated

thanks keith

3/7/2011 7:12:58 AM
Total Posts 112

Re: Upgrade from really old version

Hi Keith;

I'm in the midst of evaluating problems with upgrading an old mojoPortal multi-site which uses hostname resolution. I backed up my MSSQL 2000 db and restored it on 2005 then created the db connection user and ran the sql script to associate them. I connected with that user login before the upgrade would work properly.

Gallery Images didn't appear properly because of an enhancement that put a new folder "media" after /Data, but I created the new folder with File Manager and copied GalleryImages down and those lovely pix appear now.

Some sub-sites didn't appear because of a bad object error that came from having new skins. But it was easy to assign new skins to the failing sub-sites and they work now.

It's working fine now and being evaluated by my QA team.

Good luck,
Dale E. Moore

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