SlideShow Controls

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2/24/2011 8:01:55 AM
Total Posts 165

SlideShow Controls

Ok, Working on '' and I'm trying to put a slideshow in the top header.  I was using flash, but the customer did not like how it was working, so I switch to a JS slideshow, but it created issues with other sections of the site.

So, my question is, how can I use the slideshow controls like I have on this page (

This is the one that is built into mojo, and I would like to use it on the layout.master, can this be done and if the answer is yes, how?




2/24/2011 8:43:00 AM
Total Posts 2254

Re: SlideShow Controls

Hi Mark,

Take a look at the layout.master of the andreasviklund-02-alt1 skin. It uses the <portal:SlidePanel control to create a slideshow. The SlidePanel control is what the HTML module uses, also.

Joe D.

2/24/2011 7:38:17 PM
Total Posts 165

Re: SlideShow Controls

Joe D, Thanks that worked great, my last question on this is how to I change how fast the slideshow changes pictures.


Mark if you like to see the site.

2/28/2011 10:10:56 AM
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Re: SlideShow Controls

Hi Mark, the full set of options for the JQuery Cycle Plugin are documented here as well as within the source code file \Web\Controls\SlidePanel.cs (if you have the source). mojoPortal implements most of the available options, so you can override the default behavior by adding "option=value" to the parameters of the portal: declaration. For example, to slow the andreasviklund-02-alt1 skin's image transition from the default 1 second (1000 ms) to 2 seconds, and the time between transitions from 4 seconds to 8 seconds:

<portal:SlidePanel id="spanel1" runat="server" CssClass="rotatecontainer" Speed=2000 TransitionInterval=8000>

Note that the value for time between transitions on the Cycle Plugin documentation is "timeout", but in mojoPortal it's TransitionInterval (I determined this by looking at the source code).

When I get a chance, I'll write a document that lists all of the available effects for SlidePanel, in terms of the variable names mojoPortal is using.



3/1/2011 10:32:20 AM
Total Posts 1203
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Re: SlideShow Controls

I have created a new documentation page: The SlidePanel User Control. This covers all of the parameters you can use to change the behavior of the control.


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