Feed Manager (Columns)

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1/30/2011 5:18:52 PM
Total Posts 39

Feed Manager (Columns)

I have the feed manager working, but the columns setting does not seem to be working. I have it set to three (3) columns, however, the blog entries are still showing vertically in one (1) column.

Is there something I may be missing?

Thank you very much,


1/30/2011 5:54:20 PM
Total Posts 550

Re: Feed Manager (Columns)


That setting apply to the Feeds list that appear in the left or right If you add more than one feed for a Feed manager instance and set the "Show Individual Feed Links" in it's settings, not apply to feeds entities(blog entities).

Hope Helps,


1/31/2011 8:04:16 AM
Total Posts 39

Re: Feed Manager (Columns)

I see . . . is there a way to get the feeds to display horizontally, rather than vertically? I would actually like to limit the amount of links to three and show them horizontally.

Thank you,


2/3/2011 4:02:03 PM
Total Posts 39

Re: Feed Manager (Columns)

Does anyone have any suggestions regarding this? Please...?

2/8/2011 10:14:21 AM
Total Posts 39

Re: Feed Manager (Columns)

Can someone please help? I would like to list three feeds, three columns wide; one feed in each column. Please... please... please...
2/8/2011 11:05:14 AM
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Re: Feed Manager (Columns)

I don't have time to test the whole thing, but what occurs to me is you could create three separate feed manager instances, each with one of the feeds. For each of the instances, assign a separate value to "custom CSS class". You may then be able to make them go side-by-side using the width and float CSS directives. It will probably take a lot of trial and error, so I'd recommend Firebug to help you out.


2/8/2011 10:38:09 PM
Total Posts 39

Re: Feed Manager (Columns)

I see what you're saying, but couldn't I just add a feed manager to each column in the CMS? I could add one in the left column, the center and the right. But how would I get the most recent blog entry into the left column; the second most recent blog entry in the center column and the third most recent entry in the right column? Thank you for you response... I need someone to at least bounce some ideas off of... Any other thoughts or suggestions?
2/9/2011 10:04:10 AM
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Re: Feed Manager (Columns)

Okay, sorry, I must have misunderstood. I thought you had three independent feeds. Putting them in the columns and center would give you three columns of entries, but they wouldn't be a uniform width, and they wouldn't operate in the alternating fashion you want.

The only solution I can think of for this will involve custom code. The main problem is that each of the entries in the feed manager instance is in a separate div, wrapped with the same CSS class: rssfeedentryTrue. In order to render them into three columns, you'd need to place your feed entries into three divs with distinct classes to key on like:

class="rssfeedentryTrue col-left", class="rssfeedentryTrue col-middle", class="rssfeedentryTrue col-right".

Then you could use CSS techniques like those presented here to arrange them into columns.

If you want to tackle this, I'd strongly suggest you clone the feed manager feature to create your own version of it that puts feed entries into the appropriate divs. Then you can update your skin(s) to handle the new div classes.


2/9/2011 10:31:42 AM
Total Posts 2254

Re: Feed Manager (Columns)


I've been pondering this one and I think I have come up with a solution for you, or at least a starting point.

The Feed Manager will wrap the feeds in a div with a class of "rssentries" and then each feed entry will be wrapped in a div with a class of "rssfeedentryTrue". So, the generated markup will be similar to:

<div class="rssentries">

  <div class="rssfeedentryTrue">

    <div class="rsstitle">Feed Entry Title</div>

    <div class="rsstext">Blah blah blah....Feed text....Blah blah blah</div>



With this markup in mind, it is fairly straight forward to make the entries show in a horizontal list with CSS. Here's an example:

.rssentries{float: left; width: 400px;}

.rssfeedentryTrue{float: left; width: 33%; margin-right: 10px;}

Finally, due to the use of the float, you will want to clear the float. At the very bottom of the Feed Manager module is an empty div with the .cleared class to help with this. You need to make sure you have the .cleared class in your css with a clear: both; rule to clear the floats. If you don't want to set it for your entire skin, create a selector and rule combo like this:

.rssfeedmodule .cleared{clear: left;}

Joe D.

2/9/2011 11:33:03 AM
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Re: Feed Manager (Columns)

Thanks for chiming in Joe. Your CSS knowledge is truly amazing!

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