Examples of mopjoportal ecommerce

If you are using mojoPortal, let us know. We've put a lot of work into this project and it would be gratifying to hear from you. If you are using mojoPortal for a public site, post your URL here and show it off.

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1/18/2011 5:37:32 AM
Total Posts 47

Examples of mopjoportal ecommerce

Hi I am trying to implement the ecommerce feature of mojoportal and I am looking for some already running installations. I studied both the MojoportalStore (in fact I'm going to offer some beer to Joe) and the demo store, and I would like to see more. Any suggestion?

Thanks in advance


1/18/2011 8:27:26 AM
Total Posts 2252

Re: Examples of mopjoportal ecommerce

Hi Marina,

I recently put up a store on http://www.tdpro.com. This store will not let you purchase anything yet, as I haven't setup the paypal provider for it.

Hope this gives you an idea of the flexibility of the WebStore feature. Please note that the next version of mojoPortal will contain a lot of additional CSS classes for the WebStore to make it easier to skin.

Joe D.

1/19/2011 4:30:28 AM
Total Posts 47

Re: Examples of mopjoportal ecommerce

Thanks Joe, very interesting. I'll try to set up mine.

I look forward for the next version :-)




1/31/2011 10:57:47 AM
Total Posts 47

Re: Examples of mopjoportal ecommerce

Joe I am working on my ecommerce site, and it is going on.

At present I'am trying to connect a payment gateway to the cart page, what I need is to add a fragment of code. to the page. But I cannot find the "cart.aspx.cs" file. How can I do? Shall I get the source-code version, or there is another way to proceed?

Thanks in advance





2/1/2011 12:14:53 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Examples of mopjoportal ecommerce


Sorry but it is not easy to customize the functionality of WebStore and I don't recommend making any changes as that would fork the code and make it difficult for you to ever upgrade. If you are a super guru developer, you could clone it then customize your clone.

WebStore is not a full blown general purpose ecommerce solution at this time, it is useful for selling download products.


It currently supports a number of payment gateways but it is not easy to add new ones.


Hope it helps,


2/1/2011 3:05:19 PM
Total Posts 47

Re: Examples of mopjoportal ecommerce

Thanks Joe!

Unfortunately I am not a super guru, but I am pretty obstinate :-)

I tried to create a new page and it works! Now I have to insert a button in cart.aspx and the code in cart.aspx.cs-

Up to now I have downloaded the source code with tortoise, made a rescue copy of the original cart.aspx and copied the cart.aspx with source code in place, I added the following in the page:  




and added in cart.aspx.cs the following code: 


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;

using System;
using COMCaller;

public partial class WebStore_Controls_Prova : System.Web.UI.Page
    private string myshoplogin = "XXXXXX"; //Test Code
    private string mycurrency = "242"; //
    private string myamount = "10.20"; //the order amount
    private string myshoptransactionID = "t1"; //transaction id
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        GestPayCrypt objCrypt;
        objCrypt = new COMCaller.GestPayCrypt();

     //   objCrypt.SetCustomInfo(mycustominfo);

        if (objCrypt.GetErrorCode().Equals("0"))
            b.Value = objCrypt.GetEncryptedString();
            a.Value = objCrypt.GetShopLogin();
            lblError.Text = objCrypt.GetErrorCode() + "


No errors are detected, but when I click on the button I added, apparently nothing happens.

Where am I wrong?

As the new page works fine, I may have another option but I need to pass to the parameters...

Which of the two You think is the best one?






2/2/2011 6:23:10 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Examples of mopjoportal ecommerce

In ASP.NET WebForms there can be one an only one form on the page and that form already exists so you cannot add additional form elements.

If you need a form to post to another site such as paypal, then you can use a button and set the PostBackUrl property on the button, then when the button is clicked javascript will change the action on the main form to your postback url before submitting the form.

Just remember I cautioned you NOT to modify the source code, you are going down the wrong path if you do that and I think you will later regret it when you cannot upgrade without losing your changes.

Hope it helps,


2/2/2011 2:33:51 PM
Total Posts 47

Re: Examples of mopjoportal ecommerce

Sure it helps, a lot. Thanks for the reply.

I am aware that modifying the code is not the best solution, and it's "dangerous" . I am trying to find a better way to connect that payment gateway, which I need.

I'll inform of the progresses, if any.



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