Event Calendar Pro: Recurring Events off by 1 day

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1/13/2011 2:10:38 PM
Total Posts 2254

Event Calendar Pro: Recurring Events off by 1 day

Hi Joe,

I have replicated this on the demo website.

If you set the Event Calendar Time Zone to Central Time (GMT-6) and then create an event at 6pm that and have it repeat weekly for 1 year, all subsequent events will show up on the following day. For instance, I created an event named "Weekly Wednesday Event" starting on 1/12/11 at 6pm - 8pm. I set the event to repeat weekly until 1/11/12. After saving, the event showed up on Wednesday, 1/12/11 AND Thursday 1/13/11 and repeated on Thursday until 1/12/12. If I changed the time of the event to 5pm or before, the problem didn't occur.

Testing this further, I set the time zone to Mountain Time (GMT-7) and the same problem occurred.

Let me know if I can provide any further information.


1/15/2011 9:33:36 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Event Calendar Pro: Recurring Events off by 1 day

Hi Joe,

Thanks for the bug report. I was able to reproduce this and fix it. I've updated the Event Calendar Pro package with the fix. Really if you already have that version installed all you need to do is replaces the /bin/sts.Events.Web.UI.dll with the new one, that is the only file I updated.



1/18/2011 8:50:30 AM
Total Posts 2254

Re: Event Calendar Pro: Recurring Events off by 1 day

Hi Joe,

Thanks for the fix. It is working properly now.

Joe D.

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