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Not sure if this is the right forum so pardon me if its wrong.
I have added an image to an entry in a forum and set the V/H space to 15 but when I save and view the page the text is going under/behind the image. I tried increasing the space but it made not difference.
Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?
Thanks Phill
Just as an FYI here is a link to the page/forum...
You must sent this question in Help With Skin forum!
I think you want add distance between image and text! OK? if you want this, you can add this code in your Style.css file:
img{ margin:5px; }
Or you can use Custom CSS Class for this module and apply this change just for this module only:
.yourCustomCSS img{ margin:5px; }
.yourCustomCSS img{
Thanks for the tip.. it worked great. I used the first example...