To reproduce:
1. Add ISAPI mapping of ".html" to C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\framework\2.0.50727\aspnet_isapi.dll so that asp.NET handles .html requests.
2. Add a mojoportal mapping in Admin -> URL Manager of http:\\\subdir\test.html to some page in your mojoportal site
3. Goto http:\\\subdir\test.html
Notice that you are taken to the correct page but the menu is missing it's icons and the links don't work. This is because the menu is basing it's URLs off of http:\\\subdir rather than http:\\
What I'm attempting to accomplish is to provide links from our old website to our new mojoportal website so bookmarked links do not break. Should I be using an alternative way to accomplish this? I like the idea of creating the mappings through the URL Manager because it's easy to maintain.