How to upload images and descriptions to mojoPortal without GUI?

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1/7/2011 3:55:16 AM
Total Posts 5

How to upload images and descriptions to mojoPortal without GUI?


I'm new to mojoPortal.


Does anybody know how to upload images and their description's without mojoPortal GUI?


What I have are Jpeg files and a XML file which includes the Jpeg file's descriptions.

I'm thinking to extract a description data from the XML for each Jpeg file, and upload the descriptions in HTML format with the Jpeg files.

Is this possible with mojoPortal API and .NET? or by anything else way?


Thanks and regards,


1/7/2011 9:16:47 AM
Total Posts 2254

Re: How to upload images and descriptions to mojoPortal without GUI?


Well, you could easily upload the images using FTP but the descriptions are another story because mojoPortal doesn't have a "media manager" like some other content management systems so you would have nowhere to store those descriptions.

Joe D.

1/7/2011 11:03:05 AM
Total Posts 92
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Re: How to upload images and descriptions to mojoPortal without GUI?


You can upload these images ftp and import the files names and descriptions (Excel or xml file) direct from SQL .

Good luck

1/7/2011 11:21:48 AM
Total Posts 2254

Re: How to upload images and descriptions to mojoPortal without GUI?

Ghalib, to where will they be able to import the file names and descriptions? mojoPortal doesn't store this information in the database.

Image references are only stored in the database when they are used in content. If you want to create content automatically (at install time) and use the images in that content, that is a different scenario. You should review this documentation for that:

You could also create "Content Templates" but there isn't any documentation on how to do that programmatically, yet. So you will have to review the source code to figure that one out.

Joe D.

1/7/2011 11:29:19 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: How to upload images and descriptions to mojoPortal without GUI?

Hi Joe,

The Image Gallery feature does store captions and descriptions for images in the database, but there is no easy way to include descriptions when using bulk upload, they can be entered when uploading individual images or they can be updated from the UI after bulk uploading the images.




1/7/2011 11:47:03 AM
Total Posts 2254

Re: How to upload images and descriptions to mojoPortal without GUI?

Ahh, yes, the image gallery. I forgot about that thing (shows how much I use it). Sorry about that.

-Joe D.

1/10/2011 7:56:08 PM
Total Posts 5

Re: How to upload images and descriptions to mojoPortal without GUI?

Hi everyone,


Thank you for your comments.

So, I figured out that it's almost impossible to store images and descriptions for Imagegallery at one time. Am I right?


Then I have another question.

Is it same story if I don't use Imagegallery? I mean, there is no way to store images and their descriptions to mojoPortal using other than Imagegallery?



1/10/2011 11:21:22 PM
Total Posts 92
Нет, я не изменил. До старости глубокой...

Re: How to upload images and descriptions to mojoPortal without GUI?

Hi Nami,

I am still saying you can do it by using ftp and importing data using Excel/XML file as following:

1.  you have to upload at least 1 of these images using Mojo GUI.

2. go to MojoPortal Database run the next query:

FROM [DATABASENAME].[dbo].[mp_GalleryImages]
WHERE ImageFile='youfilename'

3. copy the result and put it in an Excel sheet then make all the images you want to import as this one.

4 import hem to mp_GalleryImages

this is the way if you want to do without using Mojo GUI, or you can right your own code, your own tables..


Good luck

1/11/2011 12:43:56 AM
Total Posts 5

Re: How to upload images and descriptions to mojoPortal without GUI?

Hi Ghalib,


Thank you for your comment and detailed instruction. It helps me a lot.

I will try to make a small program which extracts descriptions' XML and insert those to database by SQL after upload images.


Thanks and regards,



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