Slideshow in a table in HTML Content feature

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12/2/2010 7:38:06 AM
Total Posts 39
Hello from France!

Slideshow in a table in HTML Content feature


I want to have a slideshow in a table (in HTML Content).

The next lines doesn't work. Why?

<table width="100%">
        <div class="myslides">
          <img alt="" width="49" height="58" src="/Data/Sites/1/logos/mojofacethumb.jpg" />
          <img alt="" width="70" height="70" src="/Data/Sites/1/logos/mojoguidetogalaxy.png" />
          <img alt="" width="70" height="70" src="/Data/Sites/1/logos/mojomoonprint.jpg" />
Thanks for your help.

(sorry for my bad langage: i'm french!)


12/2/2010 9:19:15 AM
Total Posts 2254

Re: Slideshow in a table in HTML Content feature


I would never suggest using tables in this way but it should work anyway. I tried it on my own site, using floated divs to mimic a table and I couldn't get it work there either. What I used was this:

<div style="float: left; width: 31%;">
  <div class="myslides">
    <img alt="" height="58" src="/Data/Sites/1/logos/mojofacethumb.jpg" width="49" />
    <img alt="" height="70" src="/Data/Sites/1/logos/mojoguidetogalaxy.png" width="70" />
    <img alt="" height="70" src="/Data/Sites/1/logos/mojomoonprint.jpg" width="70" />
<div style="width: 31%;float: left;">td2</div>
<div style="width: 31%;float: left;">td3</div>

I found the cause for it not working to be the way mojo sets up the slideshow. It is expecting the myslides div to be a direct child of the #divContent div.

$('#ctl01_mainContent_ctl00_divContent > div.myslides').cycle({fx:'fade,curtainX,turnUp,slideY,zoom,pinch,scrollRight',speed:1000,timeout:3000,next:'#ctl01_mainContent_ctl00_divContent > div.myslides'});

If this is changed to:

$('#ctl01_mainContent_ctl00_divContent div.myslides').cycle({fx:'fade,curtainX,turnUp,slideY,zoom,pinch,scrollRight',speed:1000,timeout:3000,next:'#ctl01_mainContent_ctl00_divContent div.myslides'});

it should work but Joe A. will have to do that and he may have a reason for setting it up the way it is.

Joe D.

12/2/2010 10:51:58 AM
Total Posts 39
Hello from France!

Re: Slideshow in a table in HTML Content feature

Hi Joe D.

Thanks for the lesson about Div. Now, I will try to use div rather than table.

I tried your method on my test website I created a user you can use to view and edit html code as you want on the page Tests Template/Slideshow :

user:            pass: forum

Tests avec Div (1): I tried your method, proper positioning of the divs but slideshow does not work.

Tests avec Div (2): Then, I tried your method by putting class"myslides" in the parent div and removing the child div. The slideshow works but I lose the width of 31%

Tests with Div free for forum : a other solution ? ...



12/2/2010 10:55:05 AM
Total Posts 2254

Re: Slideshow in a table in HTML Content feature

Hi Christian,

It's not going to work unless the myslides div is the parent div. I outlined the reason for that in my first post and we'll have to wait for Joe Audette to decide whether or not this should change.

Joe D.

12/2/2010 10:59:37 AM
Total Posts 39
Hello from France!

Re: Slideshow in a table in HTML Content feature


So, we wait Joe Audette



12/2/2010 2:22:59 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Slideshow in a table in HTML Content feature

I tried your example on my local machine and was able to make a fix in the code so it can work.

The fix is in our source code repository now so it will be fixed in the next release.



12/3/2010 3:18:56 AM
Total Posts 39
Hello from France!

Re: Slideshow in a table in HTML Content feature

Thank you very much Joe.

I missed this feature, especially for home pages.
I will test with the source code repository and I wait impatiently the new version.
Again thank you and congratulations for mojoPortal.


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