Event Calendar Pro

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12/1/2010 11:13:06 AM
Total Posts 2254

Event Calendar Pro

Hi Joe,

I noticed some strangeness when a week has an event on each day but it is hard to describe what is happening. The result is the appearance of an extra table cell to the right of the week but the markup doesn't warrant that so am not sure what is going on. I recreated this issue on the demo site. http://demo.mojoportal.com/events.aspx

Joe D.

12/1/2010 11:52:05 AM
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Re: Event Calendar Pro

Wow, that's an interesting one. Firebug shows that the piece sticking out is actually a td with class mpcalendarweekendday.

I noticed that each of the td entries within the row are assigned a width of 14%, which adds up to 98%. It looks like the td somehow got stuffed into that extra 2% at the right of the table, which is blank everywhere else. I wonder if making the first and last td 15% instead of 14% might take care of it?

12/1/2010 12:08:02 PM
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Re: Event Calendar Pro

I think I might have found the problem. If you look at the row that has the entries, the td for Sunday specifies "rowspan=1", Monday has "rowspan=2" all the way up to Saturday with "rowspan=7". I belive these should all be "rowspan=1". I think what's happening is that dt that's supposed to be at the bottom of the Saturday cell is getting forced out to the right by too many (invisible) rows above it.

I also think having a 15% width on Saturday and Sunday would be better for centering, etc.


12/1/2010 1:27:06 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Event Calendar Pro

Thanks Guys,

I am able to reproduce it locally and can see the problem is that my last padding row is rendering 7 td elements when it should only be rendering 6 so that the 7th event can rowspan for 7 rows. Tricky business all this rowspan stuff that is needed to get the rendering right, I must be off by one somewhere in my logic. I will fix this for the next release of Event Calendar Pro.



12/1/2010 2:52:43 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Event Calendar Pro

fyi, I was able to fix this. I've uploaded a new build of mojoPortal and Event Calendar Pro to the demo site with the fix included.

Also of interest the new scroller for the Feed Manager is on the demo site for anyone who wants to test it, and there is also a new Flickr Gallery feature that will be in the next release but can be seen now on the demo site.



12/1/2010 4:05:30 PM
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Re: Event Calendar Pro

Wow Joe, thanks as always for the quick work! While checking out your fix, I just happened to notice a few other small issues with CSS classes. On the demo site, the event on Sunday the fifth is being rendered with a class of "mpcalendarday" instead of "mpcalendarweekendday" as the one on Saturday the 11th is.

I think the event on "today" should be rendering with a class of "mpcalendartoday" instead of "mpcalendarday", and events being shown in other months (for example 11/30) should be rendering with a class of "mpcalendarothermonth" instead of "mpcalendarday".

These discrepancies are causing the event background colors to be slightly off when you look closely at them.


12/1/2010 4:11:10 PM
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Re: Event Calendar Pro

Ah, interesting. I added an event for today, and that one is correctly rendering with a class of mpalendartoday. Perhaps the code is using the date the event was created when determining the class, rather than the date of the event itself? Just a wild guess.

12/6/2010 10:14:18 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Event Calendar Pro

Hi Jamie,

I did some looking into this and found there is a reason it renders as it does. It would be simple if each day in the calendar was only made from one td element but in order to be able to handle events that span across days each day in the calendar is actually a bunch of tds in different rows and the event is just one of those tds and may need to span columns and rows in order to produce the visual representation to span across days. So most of the tds that make up a day do have the correct class according to whether it is a weekend, today, other month and this provides the correct color for the day. But we have to make the td for the event itself neutral otherwise when you create an event that starts on a weekend or other month and spans into other days of the current month, you end up with some of the color for the other month or weekend bleeding into the subsequent days of the event that are not weekend or other month days.




12/6/2010 11:41:38 AM
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Re: Event Calendar Pro

Thanks for looking into that Joe. I guess the lesson here is: use subtly contrasting colors!

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