Mojo Mobile

This is a forum to suggest new features for mojoPortal. 

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11/25/2010 11:24:56 PM
Total Posts 13

Mojo Mobile

Hi Joe, et al.

Please develop a module for detecting and redirecting and then compiling pages for mobile phones. There are quite a bit of tools available for Apache people (WUFRL) and now with MVC 3 there are some efforts on but this really should be considered a basic functionality for 2011.

I'd buy you a few beers for your efforts!



11/26/2010 6:00:23 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Mojo Mobile

See this thread on the same topic.

11/26/2010 3:18:26 PM
Total Posts 13

Re: Mojo Mobile

Thanks Joe. Almost everyone person I know over the age of 15 has a smartphone (either Android or iPhone) that they use to surf the web. There are a few sites where you can create a redirected page designed for mobile devices but creating two websites on two different systems isn't really a good solution. One of those I have dabbled with for one of my mojo sites is but it really looks bad because of the way .NET forms are handled.

There may not be many mobile phone users going to your websites but currently mine range 5-20% and I want to increase that but its not going to happen with the current CMS design. I've used my Android device to look for information on the mojoportal site but its so hard to see (not optimized for my large mobile screen) that I don't spend much time trying to find the information and just give up until I can get back to a computer.

jquery has built a mobile UI module, which needs to be added to web.config and a new directory for mobile content to be compiled into but I'm not a programmer so wouldn't presume to know all the details or difficulties. Here is a starting point for information and examples while MSDN offers this

Re: the other thread, I don't think it is simply skinning pages for a mobile device. Some content from the websites should not be served to mobile phones - the trend is to make them look like apps so they take full advantage of what our smartphones are capable of through HTML5 and CSS. In mojo style I would imagine it to be new pages that start as mirrors of the normal webpage but the content type is "mobile" and is not framed by the mojo CMS skins as they currently are. The frame sizes would automatically adapt to the mobile device screen size.

From the WURFL project page you can obtain a list of IP addresses for mobile devices so you could redirect based on IP or via scripting you can develop very specific CSS based on the exact phone being used. To save a lot of trouble and reinventing the wheel, could you port the Apache project to .NET for mojo?

Techcrunch said "Not an easy thing to conceptualize indeed, but according to eMarketer there will be more mobile Internet users in China than the entire population of the US by the end of this year". 

I would like to pursue this more and would hack my own stuff to incorporate these various pieces but I need a jumping off point, as in what can be mixed and matched without breaking your releases.

Cheers (and still willing to buy the beer),


11/27/2010 6:45:48 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Mojo Mobile

Hi Nick,

As I said on the other thread, it is on my radar and I have no doubt that at some point I will come up with a good solution for mobile. The jqueryui mobile stuff is also something I'm watching for part of the solution but there is much more to it and it will be significant work to come up with a good solution for all the features of a cms.

For now, it is not my top priority and it would take much more than a few beers to make it my top priority. There are too many other things to work on that add more immediate value for more people using mojoPortal. If I stay focused on the things that add the most value, then who knows someone else may do some of the heavy lifting and produce other parts of what will eventually be used to solve this in mojoPortal. New open source projects and frameworks come on line everyday and I'm always on the lookout for things that we could use in mojoPortal.

I'm not worried about how to detect mobile devices that is the easy part, though I will say that I will probably never try to optimize it for particular devices, but only to common phone screen sizes used for iphone, Android ,Win7 but not tailored with a different ui for each device, that would be a lot of expensive work. People using ipads have a big enough screen that they should have no trouble using the normal web page view.

While I have certainly noticed that the Common Phone Pecker has become the dominant species in ecosystems everywhere :-D, my observation is they are mostly using Facebook or other "apps" or text messaging and people still use larger screens for the vast majority of real web browsing.

I do understand that this may be a higher priority for you than it is for me. If targeting mobile phones is what your site is all about there are probably better solutions out there than mojoPortal for that need. I do think we will be able to scratch that itch at some point, but it is going to be a while before we do and I do not want to set any expectations that this will happen soon.




11/27/2010 2:11:43 PM
Total Posts 13

Re: Mojo Mobile

Thanks Joe. I really appreciate your work on mojo and what you've accomplished so far.

Happy holidays,



6/17/2011 4:18:29 AM
Total Posts 26

Re: Mojo Mobile

me personaly would be happy with just a mobile redirect to a nother webpage for mobile like this > mobile browser detected > redirect to (this would be a seperate webpage not nessaryly mojoportal maby just a basic html5 page or somthing


what needs to be done is add a entry in the site setting for mobile rediret or nonsupported os redirect. and leave the code up to the user for the mobile webpage un till a time mojoportal is ported for mobile

6/17/2011 7:22:56 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Mojo Mobile


fyi, mobile has moved from "on my radar" to "on my priority to do list". I will probably have an announcement to make about it within the next few months.



6/29/2011 8:13:37 AM
Total Posts 14

Re: Mojo Mobile

I found this: The following C# example shows how redirection can be achieved by including following code into the Page_Load handler


string userAgent = Request.UserAgent.ToString().ToLower();
if (userAgent != null)
if (Request.Browser.IsMobileDevice == true)
if (userAgent.Contains("iphone") ||
userAgent.Contains("blackberry") ||

7/12/2011 7:50:17 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Mojo Mobile

If you're interested in mobile, see todays blog post Going Mobile with mojoPortal.



8/4/2011 11:23:02 AM
Total Posts 137
When enough isn't

Re: Mojo Mobile

Hi Joe,

We have bought the Mobile Module and it's really looking promising to us smiley.

I'm wondering if we want to develop special pages only to be shown on the Mobile, can we then use html5 for some more advanced stuff like audio/video? Can it be done in ascx-modules?

Best regards



8/4/2011 12:01:28 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Mojo Mobile

Hi Lars,

I don't see why not, you'll just need to be aware of which html 5 features are supported in the mobile browsers, but whatever is supported you can use.



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