Delete Parent Site

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11/18/2010 12:51:03 PM
Total Posts 154

Delete Parent Site

How can I make a child site the new parent site so I can delete the old parent?

11/18/2010 1:24:46 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Delete Parent Site

You can go into the mp_Sites table and change the IsServerAdminSite flag to true to make a site a master site and false to make it not one. You should not be able to delete the site if isserveradmin is true and you should be able to delete it if it is false. Be sure to touch web.config to clear the cache so it sees your change.

Also be sure to backup first in case anything goes wrong.

If there are more than 2 sites the one with the lowest siteid should ideally be the master site because it will be the default site if no other sites match the hostname or folder name.

Hope it helps,


11/18/2010 1:27:35 PM
Total Posts 2256

Re: Delete Parent Site

Hi Dave,

You will have to do the following:

  1. Open the mp_Sites table in SSMS and then change IsServerAdminSite to true for the site that you want to be the new parent site and false for the old parent site.
  2. Add <add key="AllowDeletingChildSites" value="true"/> to your user.config and touch the web.config
  3. Login to the current child site, go to Site Settings and select the old parent site.
  4. Click the Delete button.

Please, Please, Please take a backup of your database before doing any of this.

Joe D.

11/18/2010 1:35:45 PM
Total Posts 154

Re: Delete Parent Site

Will try.  Thanks Joes!.  lol  I'll take an ESX snapshot first just in case something goes wrong. 

11/18/2010 1:59:04 PM
Total Posts 154

Re: Delete Parent Site

Worked like a charm!  But which Joe's procedure did I use?  MUHAHA!!!  Thanks guys!

11/18/2010 2:28:45 PM
Total Posts 1203
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Re: Delete Parent Site

Just out of curiosity, is there a known/documented method to renumber the sites after doing a parent site reconfiguration like this? Not that I'm necessarily suggesting that's in any way a good idea! angel

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