Blog usage... hierachy?

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11/13/2010 10:19:27 PM
Total Posts 383
Thanks Squire Dude

Blog usage... Threads?


I have just installed my second install of mojoportal and I have a question regarding the usability of the "blog" feature.  If it already exists then can you please direct me to the documentation.

What I would like to have is the ability for registered users to...

  • to be able to create their own blog thread
  • add additional pages or sections to their blog page. 
  • to have a photo gallery sidebar available to each blog thread
  • to keep adding more pages of photos to it.

The reason behind this is because I am starting a new web for sailors of boats of a specific brand (Islander) & the different models.  Each of these owners may go cruising to Mexico or the South Pacific, etc and I would like to offer them the ability the start there own blog pages where friends and others can follow there adventures.  I hope this makes sence!  There are other blogs providing such a service but I like your package and would prefer to stick with a know product and like!


Squire Dude

11/14/2010 6:34:15 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Blog usage... hierachy?


If you know these users you could stub out the pages and features for each user and then create roles that let them edit the pages and/or create new pages.

mojoPortal is not designed for building social networking sites where any registered user can create content, it is designed for business web sites with content to be created and edited by trusted users. Users who can create pages and edit content can use javascript and javascript allows you to do lots of cool things but can also be used for bad purposes very easily, one should never let strangers add javascript to a site. The security requirements for building a social networking site are much different than what mojoPortal was designed for.

However the blog does not have a built in gallery, those are separate features. They can post images directly in a blog or they can add them to galleries and then link to the gallery from the blog. The blog also does not have sections, it is like all features it plugs into a cms page and it has some supporting pages it links to but they are not cms pages and pages cannot be added to the blog other than blog posts. You can create child pages beneath the cms page that contains the blog.

Hope it helps,



11/14/2010 8:45:35 AM
Total Posts 383
Thanks Squire Dude

Re: Blog usage... hierachy?

Hi Joe,

WOW you have given me a lot to consume and ponder on.  Thanks for the explanation of mojoportals purpose it makes what you put here makes perfect sense how and why things work the way the do.

May I suggest that you take what you have said here and put it in your opening page.  By knowing the overview you note hear would be invaluable for those trying to evaluate your product.

Great stuff

Squire Dude

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