Artisteer 2.5 native support

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10/31/2010 9:57:47 PM
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Artisteer 2.5 native support

i think it might be posibale to add native support im not great at xml so i was wondering if some one wants to take a crack.


if you look in C:\Program Files (x86)\Artisteer 2\Library\Data\Templates\ you will see all the native supported sites what i was thinking is maby we could edit Joomla.xml or one of the other Templates use them as a blank and edit the xml for mojoportal.


as a example of the xml here is the one from joomla.xml


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
  caption="Joomla Template"
    <command name="export" caption="Joomla Template" icon="Export_Joomla.ico" />
    <command name="html" caption="HTML Template" icon="HTML.ico" />
  <Operation Caption="Joomla" Order="20" Thumbnail="Joomla.png" Category="Content Management System (CMS) Theme"
    FootnoteText="&lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;Joomla template&lt;/a&gt; created with Artisteer" />
  <fragment name="JoomlaNoDirectAccess"><![CDATA[defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access'); // no direct access]]></fragment>
    <thumbnail width="206" height="150" name="template_thumbnail.png" />
    <fragment name="path_to_template"><![CDATA[<?php echo $templateUrl; ?>/]]></fragment>
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let me know if you think this might be posable

11/1/2010 6:28:20 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Artisteer 2.5 native support

I doubt very much that dropping in an extra xml file is all that is needed, if it was that easy I'm sure Artisteer would add native support for mojoPortal. If you find any documentation about making a plugin for Artisteer export that would be different, but the existence of files like this does not mean one can easily make native support for Artisteer export.



11/1/2010 8:35:16 AM
Total Posts 26

Re: Artisteer 2.5 native support

i was talking abougth cloning the folder and modding the scripts to add the sepific stuff for mojo

11/1/2010 8:42:25 AM
Total Posts 26

Re: Artisteer 2.5 native support

maby just the plane html template folder as a blank ect i just picked that one at randome but it may be posable the files in the folders are not that many just mostly what is normaly exported + a few files and a xml which im assuming is what tells artisteer the default layout and what to do when you export

11/1/2010 8:49:28 AM
Total Posts 26

Re: Artisteer 2.5 native support

well blah hopefully they will add offical support it may be differnt if the owner of mojoportal called artister directly and talked to them 

11/1/2010 10:19:42 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Artisteer 2.5 native support

If you want to try experimenting to see if you can make an export plugin that is great, if you have any success please let me know.

I did ask Artisteer to support mojoPortal a long time ago, but they said they have a long list of requests to support cms systems and gave me advice on how to support it myself in mojoPortal by using the html export format, so that is what I did. Maybe someday they will reconsider if more people keep asking them to support mojoPortal.



11/1/2010 10:20:46 AM
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Re: Artisteer 2.5 native support

Hi Nathan, if you're interested in reading the whole history of how Artisteer became supported by mojoPortal, take a look at this thread.


11/2/2010 2:38:14 PM
Total Posts 26

Re: Artisteer 2.5 native support

you could add my site to the community list if you like

11/4/2010 5:31:54 AM
Total Posts 71

Re: Artisteer 2.5 native support , design templates online :D , is it possible to export mojo templates ? enlightened

11/4/2010 11:53:03 AM
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Re: Artisteer 2.5 native support

First, you should make a request to the author of that site. They already have an ASP.NET Master Page export, so that could be extended to support a mojoPortal skin format with a little work on their part.

If you want to try doing this yourself, I took a (very) quick crack at it to see what I thought would be required. Here's what I would do to get started:

  1. Create a 3-column template layout
  2. Export your layout in HTML format
  3. Clone an existing non-Artisteer skin for layout.master reference.
  4. At least the following changes will have to be made when merging the cooltemplate HTML into the layout.master:
  • Class BodyContent -> wrapwebsite
  • Class Header -> wrapheader (topnav div inside this)
  • Replace Menu div with <portal:SiteMenu...
  • Class Columns -> wrapcenter
  • div class="Column1" -> <asp:Panel id="divLeft"...
  • div class="MainColumn" -> <asp:Panel id="divCenter"...
  • div class="Column2" -> <asp:Panel id="divRight"...
  • Class Footer -> wrapfooter

Finally, you'll need to clean up all the corresponding CSS in style.css to match the above changes. Use FireBug in FireFox to help you identify things that are out of whack. You'll also need to merge in all of the CSS styling for mojo-specific object styling.

Now, even with that all said, it's still possible that mojoPortal code changes might be needed if cooltemplate has extra styling divs that are not accounted for by mojoPortal. I'd be interested to hear if you can get it working! It would be a worthy addition to the mojoPortal community tutorials.


11/4/2010 4:07:09 PM
Total Posts 2249

Re: Artisteer 2.5 native support


If we, as a community, can convince the people behind to create a mojoPortal export, that would be great. I don't think Joe will be interested in reverse engineering another template utility because keeping up with the changes in Artisteer is time consuming enough.

Joe D.

11/4/2010 11:47:00 PM
Total Posts 12

Re: Artisteer 2.5 native support

I'm the author of Cool Template and I'd love to work to get support for MojoPortal into the site.

I posted about adding support for it here: but didn't get any response.

Anyone should be able to use the custom export system of my site to create an export.  It's an open system that's documented here:

I'd add support myself but am a little intimidated by the mojo portal theme system.  How many files are required for a custom theme?


11/5/2010 12:20:16 AM
Total Posts 12

Re: Artisteer 2.5 native support

I forget.  Does MojoPortal have a web interface for uploading templates as zip files?

I particularly like the way wordpress does this.  Joomla also has a nice web interface for it and they're adding it to the new Drupal 7 which should be released in the next week or two.

11/5/2010 1:15:17 AM
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Re: Artisteer 2.5 native support

Hey Bryan, it's great to see you participating here. I'm going to move my commenting on Cool Template over to your original Cool Template thread.

11/5/2010 10:11:46 AM
Total Posts 2249

Re: Artisteer 2.5 native support

Hi Bryan,

Thank you for your participation.

The mojoPortal skinning system is quite simple. Basically, it's just a lot of CSS, which I am sure you are very good at considering what you have created with Cool Template. If you like, I can work with you on the mojoPortal export for Cool Template and answer any questions you have about the mojoPortal skinning system. My email address is joe (at) i7media (dot) net.

mojoPortal doesn't currently support uploading templates as ZIP files but it is on the Road Map. Also on the Road Map, is the ability to edit a skin from within the site.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

-Joe D.

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