A site on the lighter side...

If you are using mojoPortal, let us know. We've put a lot of work into this project and it would be gratifying to hear from you. If you are using mojoPortal for a public site, post your URL here and show it off.

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10/31/2010 1:19:17 AM
Total Posts 355

A site on the lighter side...

For something on the lighter side: http://www.babeswithblades.com - here's the back story.

My client has been doing pinup photography for a decade; he's been doing his own website, and keeping up with the photography, and frankly, after that long, it had gotten to be too unwieldy.  I was the 4th developer he approached with the idea for a re-vamping of the site, and the first to deliver a completed project - thanks to MojoPortal.

The galleries are a custom module designed to the client's requirements; what used to take hours now takes minutes, and he can focus on creating great pinup photography, and not have to write a single line of HTML. 

I really love MojoPortal, because it is open source and C#, so I can extend the functionality to meet a client's exact needs, and give them a range of functionality that will let them manage their own content.

I've got a number of projects in the pipeline, and MojoPortal is the foundation for most of them.  Thanks for a great product!

11/9/2010 8:07:06 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: A site on the lighter side...

This site makes me think of some old friends of mine who are members of the Society for Creative Anachronism. They have all these events where they dress up in armor and beat each other up with swords and such and some of them work at the Renaissance Fairs.

Nice work with the custom Gallery!



11/9/2010 1:50:10 PM
Total Posts 355

Re: A site on the lighter side...

Stuart does a lot of his "recruiting" at the local Renaissance faires, and a good number of his models run in that sort of social circle.  The girls love posing for the photo shoots, and it's always a lot of fun to be around them.  Now that Steampunk is "gaining steam", so to speak, that's also being incorporated into a lot of the photo shoots. 

Rose and Dagger is his professional photography site; we just re-launched it yesterday, leveraging MojoPortal, the same custom gallery module and some "in situ" jquery for the horizontal slider on the front page. 

The integrated rights and roles allow us to limit access to the Boudoir photography section to people who are specifically granted permission, guaranteeing the privacy of the models; as time goes on, we'll leverage the same techniques so that he can grant preview access to clients before having prints made.  Another wonderful use for MojoPortal!

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