I have a number of web sites in an old CMS (Classic ASP based) that has all the content stored in an Access database. I'm looking to migrate these sites into mojoPortal but some of the sites are large and have hundreds of pages of content.
I'm looking into writing a small conversion program to move the content from the Access database into Mojo and want to automate as much of the process as possible. After looking at the database structures I'm thinking I might need to create a framework of all the pages and all the modules first in Mojo and then manually associate the html_content mid with an identifier in the Access CMS. After than run a looping script to match and insert the raw html page content.
I don't think I can easily script something to create Mojo pages, place modules on the page and then import the content automatically based on even the best data coming from another database. There are probably unknown database associations in Mojo and those GUID fields look problematic.
My question was to find out if anyone else has tried any sort of content migration from other data sources or CMS systems into Mojo? Any luck out there, bits of advice or work-in-progress scripts I may find beneficial?
Migrating from other CMS systems into Mojo will be a constant task for web designers using Mojo, any shortcuts or tools for automated data migration would be a BIG bonus.