Forum Breadcrumbs

A place for discussion about skinning and design. Before posting questions here you should review the documentation about creating skins.

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10/28/2010 6:42:23 PM
Total Posts 2254

Forum Breadcrumbs

I have set the portal:breadcrumbs control to use a pipe | for the separator but the Forum Breadcrumbs do not appear to be respecting this setting. Is there any way to set the breadcrumb separator in the forums?

Joe D.

10/29/2010 5:44:09 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Forum Breadcrumbs

Hi Joe,

Not currently, the forum bread crumbs are a separate thing from the main breadcrumbs which is based on the site map, so the forum crumbs don't know anything about settings on the breadcrumbs control.

I've added an item in the project tracker for this, it should be fairly easy to at least add a config setting for this.



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