module/feature settings

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10/17/2010 3:46:17 AM
Total Posts 14

module/feature settings

Hi all,

It seems to be rather odd that when I am adding new feature settings in the featureDefinitions file and run the setup/default.aspx, the new setting did not gets added to the database. I can see it by inspecting the Settings object in debug mode.

The old settings can be updated successfully. But I could not figure how to added a new one.

Thanks in advance.

Derek Liang


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>


            defaultValue="MLS# (V\\d+),1"

10/17/2010 7:35:58 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: module/feature settings

It should both update and add settings as long as the featureguid matches. 

possibly something about the value of your default could be a factor, experiment and see if it works when you change it to something more simple without \\ chars, maybe that breaks xml parsing or something. Are there any errors in your log after running setup page?

10/17/2010 1:25:58 PM
Total Posts 14

Re: module/feature settings

Hi Joe,

I traced the program and find out that:

1. ModuleDefinitionSettings table has updated according to the featureDefinitions file.

2. ModuleSetting table is not updated.

3. when the user control requesting the Setting object, it is loaded from ModuleSetting table which only contains previous setting (not the updated one defined in the featureDefinitions file)

I am not sure if there is a simple solutions, but here is the code that I came up and was tested working:


        public Hashtable Settings
                if (settings == null)
                    settings = ModuleSettings.GetModuleSettings(ModuleId);
                    int moduleDefId = GetModule(ModuleId).ModuleDefId;
                    ArrayList defaultSettingList = ModuleSettings.GetDefaultSettings(moduleDefId);

                    foreach (CustomModuleSetting defaultSetting in defaultSettingList)
                        if (!settings.ContainsKey(defaultSetting.SettingName))
                            settings.Add(defaultSetting.SettingName, defaultSetting.SettingValue);

                return settings;

        private Module GetModule(int moduleId)
            if (currentPage == null) { return null; }

            foreach (Module m in currentPage.Modules)
                if (m.ModuleId == moduleId) { return m; }

            return null;



10/17/2010 7:47:33 PM
Total Posts 14

Re: module/feature settings

I think a better way is to use the following sql script after all default feature settings are imported. Since it only runs once while running setup/default.aspx. And it should fix any missing settings in the table.


Derek Liang

declare cur cursor for select DISTINCT  ModuleID from mp_ModuleSettings
declare @ModuleID int

open cur

fetch next from cur into @ModuleID

while @@fetch_status = 0
    insert mp_ModuleSettings
        m.ModuleID ModuleID,
       NEWID() [SettingGuid],

        from mp_ModuleDefinitionSettings mds, mp_Modules m, mp_ModuleSettings ms
        where mds.ModuleDefID=m.ModuleDefID and m.ModuleID=ms.ModuleID and
               m.ModuleID=@ModuleID  and (mds.SettingName not in(select SettingName from
                                            mp_ModuleSettings where ModuleID=@ModuleID))

    fetch next from cur into @ModuleID

close cur
deallocate cur

10/17/2010 11:55:22 PM
Total Posts 14

Re: module/feature settings

A easy to read version. :)

declare cur cursor for select ModuleID from mp_Modules
declare @ModuleID int
declare @ModuleGuid uniqueidentifier

open cur

fetch next from cur into @ModuleID

while @@fetch_status = 0

set @ModuleGuid = (select [Guid] from mp_Modules where ModuleID=@ModuleID)

insert mp_ModuleSettings
        @ModuleID ModuleID,
       NEWID() SettingGuid,
        @ModuleGuid ModuleGuid,

from    mp_ModuleDefinitionSettings
        where  (ModuleDefID = (select ModuleDefID from mp_Modules where ModuleID=@ModuleID))
              (SettingName not in(select SettingName from mp_ModuleSettings where ModuleID=@ModuleID))

    fetch next from cur into @ModuleID

close cur
deallocate cur

10/18/2010 5:51:43 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: module/feature settings

Hi Derek,

The Setup page is not supposed to update existing feature instance settings, only default settings. Default settings are used when a new instance of a feature is created but can then be customized on the instance.

In the module settings page it will still show the new settings and if you save it it will update the instance setting.

If a new settings is added but the user has not yet saved module settings again for the instance, the feature code should use the default value if the instance module settings does not contain the setting. 

Hope that helps,


11/10/2010 9:03:38 AM
Total Posts 13

Re: module/feature settings

help please, I have a user control consisting of a EventCalendar, two GridView, two DropDownList and a ModalPopup. The fact is that the ModalPopup GridView and make use of a Theme of the project, which works fine but do not know how to integrate the web.

Greetings from Lima - Peru

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