Site name on the header of AddThis block

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10/14/2010 6:02:22 AM
Total Posts 10

Site name on the header of AddThis block



I added AddThis block to one of my pages with blog. In the header of the AddThis block the site name appears over the header text. The issue is displayed in this image -

I reviewed the source code of the page and found that the header of the page included

var addthis_pub = 'erpinfo';var addthis_brand = 'ERPINFO.RU - Открытые ERP-системы'

so variable addthis_brand appears in the header of the addthis block.

On other pages everything is working fine and there are no addthis_brand variable in html source code.
 How can I solve the issue with the page with blog?

Thank you, Vladimir


10/15/2010 8:55:56 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Site name on the header of AddThis block

There are site level settings for addthis, but there are also blog settings that override the site settings for the blog. Look in the blog settings for this.

10/18/2010 1:12:45 AM
Total Posts 10

Re: Site name on the header of AddThis block

Unfortunately I was not able to find the option for addthis_brand variable in blog settinigs. I have AddThis buttons for each post (according to blogsettings) and for the whole page. All AddThis buttons are displayed like on this image

As I mentioned before other pages doesn't have the issue. What should I do ?

Thank you

10/18/2010 6:37:57 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Site name on the header of AddThis block

There is a setting in the blog settings under "Social Settings" for Custom Brand. Try adding a space there and save settings.

You did not mention what version of mojoPortal you are using, but this setting does exist and has been there for a long time.

10/18/2010 9:23:36 AM
Total Posts 10

Re: Site name on the header of AddThis block

I use mojoPortal : SQLite

Operating System Microsoft Windows NT 6.0.6002 Service Pack 2
ASP.NET Version v2.0.50727 Running in Full Trust
Часовой пояс сервера: Russian Daylight Time
Локальное время сервера: (GMT 4) 18.10.2010 18:04:42
Текущее время по Гринвичу (GMT/ UTC): 18.10.2010 14:04:42

Blog version - blog 


Unfortunaltely I was not able to find this setting. Possibly there is uncorrect translation to Russian. I tried to enter different values in boxes and found if I enter some symbols in box:

Пользовательский логотип Помощь
which I can translate to English as "User's logotype of" the issue disappeared However I see the symbol in the top right corner of AddThis block. If I enter space the issue is not resolved. So I entered a point "." in the textbox and it seems issue to be almost resolved. Small point is much better than text. Thank you. Vladimir.


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