Bulk upload error

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10/13/2010 3:17:31 AM
Total Posts 12

Bulk upload error

I have successfully managed to upload before but suddenly I cant do that any more. I find the following error in the currentlog.config:

2010-10-13 08:56:58,121 ERROR mojoPortal.Web.Global - - /ImageGallery/BulkUpload.aspx?pageid=1&mid=3
System.Runtime.InteropServices.ExternalException: A generic error occurred in GDI+.
at System.Drawing.Bitmap..ctor(String filename)
at mojoPortal.Features.UI.ImageGallery.GalleryHelper.ProcessImage(GalleryImage galleryImage, String filePath, Color backgroundColor)
at mojoPortal.Web.GalleryUI.BulkUploadPage.btnUpload_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
at System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button.OnClick(EventArgs e)
at System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button.RaisePostBackEvent(String eventArgument)
at System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button.System.Web.UI.IPostBackEventHandler.RaisePostBackEvent(String eventArgument)
at System.Web.UI.Page.RaisePostBackEvent(IPostBackEventHandler sourceControl, String eventArgument)
at System.Web.UI.Page.RaisePostBackEvent(NameValueCollection postData)
at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint)


Any Ideas?

10/13/2010 6:29:10 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Bulk upload error

This error can occur for a wide variety of reasons but the most common issue is file system permissions. Probably something changed about your hosting environment file permissions. It could also happen if you ran out of allocated disk space.

Hope it helps,


10/13/2010 7:20:52 AM
Total Posts 12

Re: Bulk upload error

I can see, with FTP, that the file actually is uploaded but i can't see it on the page.

10/14/2010 6:13:09 AM
Total Posts 12

Re: Bulk upload error

Is it anything more that I can do to zoom in the problem?

10/15/2010 8:33:09 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Bulk upload error

make sure /App_Data and /Data folders are writable by the user that is the identity on the application pool.

see the docs about file uploads


if /App_Data is not writable then it can cause a permissions problem because then it uses windows/temp to upload and that puts funky permissions on the file

10/18/2010 4:37:00 PM
Total Posts 12

Re: Bulk upload error

No, sorry. All users is permitted to do everything. The file is uploaded but there isn't any thumbnails created and nothing is showed in the gallery.

10/21/2010 1:33:23 AM
Total Posts 12

Re: Bulk upload error

New information. When I upload the original file, a jpeg from the camera, then everything goes okay. That file is big (4310*2868) so i thought that I down size it. I used MS Paint to do the down scale (640*426). I uploaded and did get the error above. I tried again but used Gimp this time and this time it worked excellent. It's repeatable at least for me if some one find it worth to fix or maybe invoke some error handling.

I can open all files locally with several viewers with out errors.

10/21/2010 6:27:12 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Bulk upload error


I'm not yet convinced as you are that it is something about the file itself causing the error. If you post links where I can download the files if it produces an error for me when I upload it then I will agree with your diagnosis but not until then. The fact that the problem started suddenly after working fine for a while indicates that something changed about your environment and not likely a problem in the code.

Even if it does turn out to be a file specific issue, the error happens in the constructor of the .NET framework Bitmap class and therefore is most likely outside the scope of what I could fix. If it was caused by mojoPortal code that would be a different issue.

For now I still think it is a some kind of permission or configuration issue on your hosting environment or server. Or it is timing out or somehow not uploading the entire file and therefore corrupting the file so that it causes this error.

You never mentioned what version of mojoPortal you are using.



10/23/2010 4:04:30 AM
Total Posts 12

Re: Bulk upload error

I will create a FTP account and upload the pictures. I will PM You the details.

I can't find any PM function or email.

10/23/2010 6:40:12 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Bulk upload error

 joe dot audette [at] g mail dotcom

10/26/2010 7:02:27 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Bulk upload error


I tried these images and had no problems at all. you could try them yourself on demo.mojoportal.com

I stand by my original diagnosis that it is most likely your App_Data folder is not writable by the web process user so file permissions get funky on the uploaded file or some other factor is preventing the file from uploading completely so you end up with a corrupt file on the server.

Hope it helps,


10/28/2010 3:27:55 AM
Total Posts 12

Re: Bulk upload error

I tried to upload the files to the demo site. With the same result. Error on the one down sized with MS Paint.

10/28/2010 11:25:49 AM
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Re: Bulk upload error

Well, it's not a solution to the problem, but assuming this really is an issue with the content of that specific file, you could try converting it instead with the free image viewing/conversion program Irfanview. I've been using that for years and love it. It's a million light years ahead of MS Paint.

Just to round out my go-to image trifecta, if you need to do any image manipulation of bitmap files, I recommend Paint.net. Easy to use and supports layered editing. If you work with vector images, try Inkscape. I'm really looking forward to universal web support for the SVG format. Infinitely scalable graphics are just fascinating.


10/28/2010 1:41:54 PM
Total Posts 12

Re: Bulk upload error

If you look back in the thread you see that I have solved my problem with Gimp. I know that Paint is kind of shitty and I don't know why I tried it.

Thank you.

10/28/2010 2:59:32 PM
Total Posts 1203
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Re: Bulk upload error

I think Paint is kind of like Internet Exploder. Lots of people use it because it's convenient, not because it's good! I'm glad you were able to work it out for your particular case.

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