NeatUpload bulk upload input element missing multiple attribute.

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10/10/2010 8:21:54 PM
Total Posts 1

NeatUpload bulk upload input element missing multiple attribute.

The bulk upload page was not allowing for multiple files to be selected when browsing client file system via the NeatUpload created multi input file element.

If you are experiencing this same issue I fixed the bug by adding the multiple="true" attribute to the following section of the BulkUpload.aspx file in the ImageGallery folder of your mojoPortal instance.

    multiple="true" runat="server" UseFlashIfAvailable="true" FlashFilterExtensions="*.jpg;*.gif;*.png">



10/11/2010 7:29:05 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: NeatUpload bulk upload input element missing multiple attribute.


There is a known issue with NeatUpload that the flash mutli file picker does not work in IE, the problem began after an update to Flash Player several months ago.

It does work correctly in my testing using Firefox or Chrome.

Unfortunately NeatUpload is not actively developed anymore and I am not sure how to solve the problem since I am not a Flash developer.

I tested your proposed solution and it does not solve the problem in my tests.

Users can still upload multiple files at once but they have to choose the files one by one in IE.



3/4/2011 9:43:46 AM
Total Posts 30

Re: NeatUpload bulk upload input element missing multiple attribute.

Hi Joe

I have the same problem in IE9, Firefox and Chrome. This workaround and the allowOverride-workaround didn't help. I can only select single files and have to upload them one by one. On the bulk upload page I see two buttons in all three browsers: "Choose file" and "Upload". It's not possible to upload more than one file at a time with that.

I see two ways out:

  2. Allow me to upload a single ZIP file that contains all images.


Update: I'm running MojoPortal on .net4 in a full-trust environment

3/4/2011 9:56:33 AM
Total Posts 30

Re: NeatUpload bulk upload input element missing multiple attribute.

Update #2: The workaround suggested in this thread helps. I made a mistake when testing it.

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