Cannot log out

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10/10/2010 11:13:47 AM
Total Posts 123
/Mats Lillnor

Cannot log out

Version:,  MSSQL (2000), IIS 7.5

(I know this is an old version, but I cannot upgrade until the DB is upgraded which will take yet a few weeks.)

I cannot log out from the site. If i press logout, it immediately returns me to the start page already logged on. I want to do this to be able to log in as a different user without administrative privilegies to test.

May this have something to do with the update for the .net security issue?

It used to work before, but just recently began behave this way. Is there a workaround?



10/10/2010 11:27:00 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Cannot log out

Clearing your browser cookies should solve it.

Hope it helps,


10/10/2010 1:37:08 PM
Total Posts 123
/Mats Lillnor

Re: Cannot log out

Of course :-)

Thank you. that was really simple, should have thought of it, but was a little paranoid because of this security fix.



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